Chapter 14

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Serena's POV:-
I find my Ash standing with a waiter and talking to him.Huh! Thank God, Atleast he is not talking Meitte or someone who likes teasing me. I rushed to my Ash, ditching Meitte.

???? POV:-
he went to a waiter and starts to speak with him. I decided to speak with him. I was about to stand up, but Nini started to speak. "Who is that guy, hanging around Serena" Nini said pointing to him. "That guy, He is Serena's crush Ash" Korrina said eating. That's Ash, he is the that Serena has crush on. I felt jealous of Serena. She gets everything, that everyone dream of. And now she is going get a handsome man like Ash too. No matter what, i'm not letting her take Ash. He belongs only to me.

Serena's POV:-
As I nearing my Ash, I felt someone held my hand. I turned around to look who it is. "When did he came?" Korrina, Nini and Concetta asked me in unison. Huh! Didn't Meitte and Shauna, told them about the last night, encounter with Ash. "Huh! He came last night" I said little nervous. "Ooh!" All of them begin teasing me. "Please Don't tease me, infront of Ash" I said, little angry and nervous. "Don't you worry, we'll not ruining your relationship" They said in unison, and Meitte, Aria and Shauna also joined us. "well She is planning on not introducing you all to him, anyway" Meitte sarcastically said. I really hate this attitude of Meitte. "Haa! What? You don't want us meet Ash" All of exclaimed. "No, I didn't mean it" I said, but I really don't appreciate anyone coming between me and my Ash.

???? POV:-
As I wanted to go to Ash. Everyone got excited about meeting him first time. Then, everyone decided on talking to him. They wanted to see what type of a guy, he is. But, I know, he is so kind and generous person. And he only belongs to me not Serena.

Serena's POV:-
Everyone investigated me, about when Ash came and about how we ended up here. Meitte took all the questions regarding last night's meeting. And Meitte told everyone that, I planned a surprise. I know exactly what she meant. She must be referring to my Ash, how dare she does that. I asked Shauna, why didn't she told anyone about meeting Ash last night. "I wanted too, but Meitte shut me down" that was the Shauna's reply. And I didn't tell them that, me and my Ash, spend whole night on same room and same bed. If tell them, they'll tease me so much more. And I didn't tell about Ash feeding me, either. After they satisfied by my answers, They all forced me to introduce them to my Ash. As they pushed me towards my Ash. "Um! Ash" I said nervously and looking at his face. Ash let that waiter go and turned to me. "Yes, Serena, are you want to tell something" Ash asked me. "I-I want to introduce some friends of mine" I said. As I turned to my friends to introduce them. "You already know Shauna and Meitte right" I asked for confirmation. "Yeah! Nice to meet you both again" Ash said. Meitte and Shauna responded by HEY. "the girl standing After Meitte is Aria" I said and Aria greeted Ash, and he did same. "Left side of Aria, is Concetta" I said then Ash and Concetta greeted each other. "Next to Concetta, is Nini" I said as they both greeted each other. "Next to Nini, is Korrina" I said introducing her. "Hello! I am Korrina, I am Serena's friend and in school I was your junior" Korrina said. "Huh! You're a junior in school, I am sorry, I can't recognise you" Ash said. "Don't worry about that, I only seen you at school, other than hearing from Serena" Korrina said. After that Ash introduced himself to everyone. "Did you all came here for Serena" Ash asked them. "No, they're just on a vacation, that's all" I replied to my Ash. I won't let go of my Ash, even if they did came here to get me.

???? POV:-
We all introduced ourselves to Ash. But why is Serena, standing so close to him. I must be the only one who has to be close to Ash. As I was jealous of Serena, Ash asked us "Did you all came here for Serena". "No, they're just on a vacation, that's all" Serena replied immediately. Why should, I would go anywhere for her. I only want you Ash. First, I'll make Serena stay away from you and your life. Even if it makes me bad person, I would do it at any cost.

Serena's POV:-
"No!, they're just on a vacation, that's all" I said. "That's not the right way, Serena you can't assume everything like you wanted" Meitte sarcastically said. What does she mean, I know she probably means that everyone came here to meet my Ash. "So, you all did came for Serena, am I right" Ash asked them. "No, we came for you" Meitte exclamed. What? I did suspect, something like this would happen. That's why? I don't wanted any of them to meet my Ash. "For me! What do you mean?" Ash asked them. He must be confused about the situation. "No! It's nothing Ash, don't you worry, I'll -i'll..." I was cut off by Meitte. "Serena, you don't" Meitte wanted say more. But I won't allow her say anything to my Ash. So I turned around and carefully, without getting Ash's attention, I moved my finger on my lips signalling shh!. After that, I said to Ash that, they are all got curious you by hearing me saying about you. He did asked what did I said about him. I didn't reply correctly, because all they heard about Ash is my feelings for him. Whenever I want to tell Ash about my feelings, my mouth won't speak, but, I did manage to say

 Whenever I want to tell Ash about my feelings, my mouth won't speak, but, I did manage to say

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"Ash, you are my hero"

Author's Note:- That's it for chapter 14. Hope you'll enjoy reading it. Stay tuned for more Amourshipping moments. And for now BYE.

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