Chapter 11

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Serena's POV:-
"There isn't any trouble, it's all fun!" Ash said as he starts laughing. I too laughed with my Ash. Then, I put on my snowsuit and rushed to Ash's side. As we're all ready to go. "So, where are we going" Ash asked me. I got confused, because, he was the one, who wanted to go somewhere, in the first place. "Huh! But Ash, you wanted to go somewhere right, so why are you asking me" I asked confused. "About that, it can wait till afternoon, and it's still morning, so, you decide where should we go" Ash said. I got even more happy by this. "So, why don't we visit, this city's legendary tree" I said. "Legendary tree! What is that" Ash asked me confused. "It's a 5,000 years old tree, people say it was symbol of friendship" I explained. "Ok! As your wish, let's go" Ash said as, I locked the door and we left. I was thinking about visiting, this legendary tree from the moment, I heard of it. And if possible together with my Ash. It's said that, the legendary tree also represents love because their is a tale that says. So many years ago, two people, who loves each other, always meet at a perticular place because it was the place they first met. That's where the legendary tree is, and people also believe visiting their, with your loved ones will make them realise their true love in life. I just wish, Ash accept my love and I can be with my Ash for entire life. And there is a other half to this tale, which mades it a legendary love story. But I don't want it to happen to me or anyone? As we continued to walk as well as talk to each other about the city and the legendary tree. My stomach was troubling me for eating small amount of food, but, it's no problem because my Ash is with me. "Serena, how much far is this legendary tree from here, I don't see any huge trees around" Ash asked me. "It is still some distance away from us,  and we still need around 50 minutes to reach there" I explained. "Still, 50 minutes, It's too far, in that case, let's eat something" Ash said as he started to look for food stalls and restaurants. I know Ash likes to eat food and it makes him cute too, I love my Ash. "Look, there's a food stall, let's eat" Ash said pointing towards food stall and ran to it. "Wait! Ash, I am coming" I said as, I ran behind Ash. As we reached the food stall, Ash asked what they have and then they mentioned every item, they can offer. Ash asked for a Aligot, a dish made from mashed potatoes mixed with garlic and tomme cheese, it is traditionally served with a sausage from the Auvergne region of France, which can be spicy. I don't like spicy foods but I did same as my Ash. The person on the stall quickly prepared and served us. Ash dug into it from the moment it served. I took my spoon and took some to try it, it was my first time eating this dish. I put spoon of Aligot, on my mouth. I choked a bit because of its spiciness. It's a terrible experience, trying this was a huge mistake. It's the worst, that I can ever taste, it's like, it's only made of spices. I saw, Ash looking at me, he must be disturbed by my choking. "Are you ok!" Ash asked me with a concerned voice. "Yeah! Ye..ah! I am alr..ight" I said, still coughing because of the spice. "You, don't look so good to me" Ash said. " like tha..t, I am fin..e" I said, still coughing. Ash took my spoon from me and grabbed the Aligot bowl. "Ash, you don't have to.." I was cut off by my Ash. "This kind of food, maybe your first time trying but don't worry you just eat good" Ash said. He took a spoon of Aligot from bowl and he huffed it making it a little cool. "Now say aah!" Ash said to me. "aah" I said in a very low voice, I feeling happy and shy. Ash feeds me food, it tasted so good, it's the best ever food, I ever tasted. Ash feeded me full bowl of Aligot, it was so amazing. Ash paid for it, then we get back to our way to legendary tree. After good 45-50 minutes walk, we finally get to legendary tree. It was so huge, green and dense. "This one's way huge then the other ones, doesn't it!" Ash asked me looking at tree. "Yeah! It's sure is" I replied with a smooth voice. I was, wishing my Ash just realise how much, I love him. Some people are there and decorating the tree. I wonder, do they always decorate it. As me and Ash heard someone saying something about some kind of festival. Ash, went to them and asked them about festival. They told us that, today everyone is celebrating the tree's honor of friendship and love, everyone give gifts to their best friends or loved ones in the night to express their gratitude. As I heard of giving gifts to loved ones, I couldn't help but think of my Ash. I want to give a special gift to my Ash too, but he wants to go somewhere else at the afternoon. So, I can't give him gift this year, it makes me feel sad. "So, Serena, what kind of gift are you giving me" Ash asked me. "Huh! But you wanted to go somewhere else right" I asked him confused. I wanted to give my Ash, best gift but, I don't want to hold him back. "Don't worry about that, It's was a just an excuse to hangout with you" Ash said.

 "Don't worry about that, It's was a just an excuse to hangout with you" Ash said

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Ash wants to hangout with me.

Author's Note:- That's it for chapter 11. Hope everyone will enjoy it. Stay tuned for more Amourshipping moments. And for now BYE.

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