Chapter 32

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Flash Back:-
12 years ago:-

Serena's POV:-
Soon, Ash got ready for the school. Then, we started to walk to the school. In which; my Ash thought was the right time. Anyways; I was happy to spend a little more of, my time in a day with my Ash. As; me and my Ash walked through the roads of Viridian city. We encounter a disgusting creature on the earth. His name is Brock. He was an upper class men of my Ash. He sometimes comes around the pallet town and disturbs us, just like this. He always comes at a time; when, me and my Ash were alone. He is the second most hated person in my list. If; I ever get a chance to kill him. I would definitely utilize that opportunity. However; I don't have any time to kill him. It would be waste of my time. when I got; my Ash to praise all the time. Since; I have the upper hand in this moment, as the excuse of holding my Ash. So, I simply; clingged to my Ash's arm and wouldn't let him touch my Ash. "Hey!.. How are you?". Brock greeted first. But, I didn't like the way of he speaks to my Ash. He certainly lacks manners. "I'm fine; how about you?". My Ash's voice is so cute as always. "Nothing really special! But! Seems like; your having good time with your girlfriend! Huh!". Brock called me; my Ash's girlfriend. Wow! This feeling is so good; I'm very happy. Well! If I had to say; Brock isn't that bad of person. "You mean! Serena!" My Ash looked me in the eyes. I well! I let out a beautiful smile on my face.

End of the Flashback:-

At the present:-

Serena's POV:-
I was snapped out by the slightest movement of my Ash's hand in my own hands. "Ash!.. Ash!, Can you open your eyes". I said in a low voice. I was hopeful of my Ash's recovery. His fingers; started to move slightly more by the moment. I released my left hand from holding my Ash's hand. And; began to stroke my Ash's hair and cheeks a little. My Ash's fingers slowly started to grip my right hand; which one is holding his hand. Soon; tears of happiness started to flow down my cheeks. In few more seconds; my Ash started to open his eyes so slowly. I was finally able to see; my Ash's brown eyes. I was so happy at this moment, that; I forgot; how to speak? "A..s..*sobbing*..As.*sobbing*..Ash!.." I managed to say while crying my heart out. My Ash's eyes slowly turned over to my direction. "Serena!.. is that you!" My Ash asked me with a weakened voice. "Yes! Yes! Yes!.. I'm right here; right besides you!" I replied; wiping all my tears. "Are you alright? You don't feel pain; right! Are you hungry or anything! If anything tell me!". I was asking my Ash a question over questions. And; I think, I was little bit panicked too; I think. "No!.. I am fine!" My Ash responded in weakened voice. "So; do you need something or something else". I asked my Ash. "Huh! No! I don't need anything!" My Ash again replied with weakened voice. "Okay! If you need anything; just call me; I'm right here! Okay! Ash!". I responded to my Ash. "Now; rest up a bit; okay!" I said to my Ash stroking his hair a bit. After; helping my Ash to sleep comfortably. I came of the room to call, aunt Delia and Mama. Mama picked up the call in the first ring. "Hello! Serena!", "Hello! Mama!" Both of us started speak at the same time. "Mama! Just now; my Ash opened his eyes and spoke to me". I told with; excitement and joy in my voice.

Grace's POV:-
After, Gary left; Delia said; we should go outside to talk about something, So, we left leaving Serena with Ash. As, we were walking, I asked a question to Delia. "How are going to make Ash marry my daughter?". "I don't know exactly! But, I think; I'll manage some how". Delia replied with a puzzled expression. "You are not thinking to use force! Are you!" I asked with a concerned tone. I definitely; don't want Ash to agree for marriage by force. If; Serena, somehow able to find out about this. Then; I want to think; what she will do to herself? "I'm not actually thinking about it; right now! However; I had to do something; if he doesn't approve of my decision?" Delia said. "I have a request! Please! Don't use force for this!" I requested to Delia. "I can understand; your concern, I don't want to use force either; but, sometimes; it's inavitable, you know that too!". Delia said with a calm voice. "... However; I do hope that; Ash can approve of this marriage and his feelings". Delia continued to say her opinion of the situation and our children's marriage. "In which case!.. I have a suggestion for you!" I said to Delia. "What is it? I do appreciate it, if, it doesn't end up hurting no one!". Delia turned her attention to my suggestion. "If; Ash ends up with unapproved of his and my daughter's marriage. Then;-". My phone suddenly rang. I picked up the call as soon as; I realised it was from my daughter Serena. "Hello! Serena!", "Hello! Mama!" Both of us started speak at the same time. "Mama! Just now; my Ash opened his eyes and spoke to me". I heard; my daughter's voice full of; excitement and joy. I became so happy for my daughter and Ash, too!. I soon; turned to Delia and pressed on to the loud speaker. "Can you say it again! Serena!" I asked Serena to repeat the phrase; she said before. Delia got surprised of my actions. "I-I said; my Ash opened his eyes and spoke to me!" Serena said with joy in her voice.

Author's Note:- Sorry! For not updating for a while. I got into a serious problem of WiFi disconnection. And, faced a lot of problems in saving the story and publishing it. But; I will update upcoming chapters as soon as possible.

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