Chapter 23

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Serena's POV:-
I spent the one more night without my Ash. I definitely don't like these nights without my Ash. I mean, it's not just nights, it's time too. I want to be always with my Ash. So, that must be don't come as surprise or anything. However, I did like to sleep. Not just sleep, I mean, I like dreams more. I do see my Ash a lot in my dreams. Definitely I like all of that. But still you know, reality is so better and special. I know we wasn't even married and all. But, I fell in love with my Ash of the reality not the dream one. I mean, ofcourse I love my Ash in the dreams too. But, the point is, I met my Ash in the reality after that moment. He started to show up in every dream, thought, ambitions and wishes. Finally, I decided on spending every second of my life with my Ash. However, I wasn't able to make it real yet. And, it-it even getting worse by the time. In last two to three years, I can't able to spend any significant time with my Ash. That thoughts disturb me a lot. But, since my Ash love me and all. I am sure, in few minutes. No, take that back, I mean. Minutes is so small amount of time to get married. I suppose a few days, weeks, months or years. I don't know, how much time it takes. But, I am sure some day, I will be wife of my Ash. It's still morning in here. There certainly not a time goes by without me thinking of my Ash. Well, that's the habit, I have from fourteen years. I have a meeting with all the girls and our associates of the group. After, I'm done with that, I have a little shopping trip with my friends. Then, packing my stuff and leaving for my mama at the evening.

Ash's POV:-
It's been a bright sun in the sky early in the morning. So, I thought Serena would be up too. She is a heavy sleeper but it's only at the home with only aunt Grace around. Outside from home, like trips, sleeping over and profession trips. She wakes up so quickly that, it almost like she is an early riser always. Well Serena is special, no doubt about it.

Serena's POV:-
I was having a breakfast in the morning and suddenly. I am feeling like coughing.  And I coughed but, it didn't felt like. I caught a cold or I'll. It felt like my Ash is thinking about me. If it's true, I really wonder, what is my Ash thinking about me. Does it about confession or marriage. I am loving this thoughts. Even through, I would be more than happy if only to have my Ash besides me. I want to tell him so much. I think, I am going to call my Ash.

Grace's POV:-
I was currently sitting and reading the dairies of my daughter Serena. She learnt to read and write pretty fast than any body, I have seen. As soon as, she learnt to read and write, she started to write dairy about her day. I asked her about, why did she decided that and she answered me without any hesitation and thoughts.

Flash Back:-
11 years ago:-

Grace's POV:-
Me and my daughter was walking to a bookstore near by. We were going to bookstore because, my daughter, my little Serena said. She wants to write about her day so, she needs a personal dairy. As I said ok for that. My lovely daughter smiled so brightly. We eventually buyed a dairy to my Serena. As I decided on taking something that inspired her for this. "Serena, are you happy now" I asked my daughter. Serena lifted her head to face me. "I am so happy mama" she said through smiling. Well her smile is what matters so much. If Serena is happy, I am happy too. We walked home quickly and Serena gets to work on her dairy even quicker. I was glad she liked it. Now that, she is working on it. I should let her do what she wants and don't bother her. So, I thought of finishing our works in the home. It took Serena, quite a while to write about her day. She came to me so proud of her after finishing her first ever dairy page. "Mama! Mama! See I wrote it all" Serena said so cheerful. "Ok! Ok! Give me that" I said as. I took dairy from her hands and read it. I was kind of shocked by reading it. Because, she ever wrote what the person besides her at the moment's point of view. Sometimes it's been her school friends, aunt and me. But, I noticed she wrote so much of one person and it differs from everyone of us. That person is Ash. She wrote his as 'My Ash' all the time. She wrote his feelings like it's actually her feelings or I can both are feeling the same. She even wrote about his likes she found out today and more about his personality. After I saw and read all that, I have a little question for her. ".. Serena, what's this dear" I said as I pointed to certain words. Serena looked at it. "Did you, don't understand english" Serena asked me. I chuckled a bit and said. "No, i'm just asked that, why did you wrote here as 'My Ash''. "My Ash' yeah! I wrote that" she said so casually. "Huh! I don't understand it" I asked her because, I wasn't sure of this kind of situation. "It means 'My Ash' that all" Serena again said it so casually. I wasn't sure how did this happen but, I decided to get a convencing answer. "Do you know, using word 'My' to describe a person means that they--" I was cut off by Serena.

Author's Note:- That's it for chapter 23. Hope you'll enjoy reading it too. Stay tuned for more Amourshipping moments. And for now BYE.

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