Chapter 19

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Serena's POV:-

" I-I wasn't able to pick a gift for you, A-Ash" I said looking down

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" I-I wasn't able to pick a gift for you, A-Ash" I said looking down. Thinking of how disappointing, I turned out to be. "Don't worry about that" I heard Ash's voice. I lifted my face to see my Ash. He wasn't mad at me nor disappointed at me. He is smiling, I felt so much warmth in my Ash's smile.

 He is smiling, I felt so much warmth in my Ash's smile

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I couldn't help but to smile. "And, I already got my gift" Ash said. This put me in the confusion. "But-but, I didn't give you anything" I said confused. "Your smile is my gift" Ash said. "Huh!" I got emotional hearing what my Ash said. I am feeling so happy, good and shy. Even through, I got shy. I can't hold myself from hugging my Ash. I put my both arms around my Ash's neck and hold him tight and close to me. As soon as I hugged my Ash, I felt my Ash's arms holding around my waist. I buried my face in my Ash's should and neck. I don't wanted to care about anything else now. I wished to make this moment last longer. I wanted to stay like this for the rest of my life.

???? POV:-I was lost in this place for quite some time

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???? POV:-
I was lost in this place for quite some time. This place is too crowded. I was just wishing nobody can be able to find our identity. I was looking for my friends and definitely for him. I didn't knew, there is going to be a gift exchange in here. If I knew it, I should have brought a gift for Ash. But we are here because of he asked, in the first place. So, what can it be, that brought him here. I just hope, whatever it was, it doesn't concern to Serena. But, I was unable to find any of my friends or Ash in this crowd. I don't think, I am that far of them. I jumped and jumped in the hope of finding atleast any one of my friends. As I jumping, something got my eye, so, I rushed at the sight. As I got a proper look, I freezed on my way. Serena was standing there. she has a small gift box in her hands. It must be what she received from him or planning to give him. But, most annoying thing is, she is hugging him. She is completely buried her face on his shoulder and neck. And looks like she is having an emotional outburst too. Since, she is hugging him and still holding gift box in her hand means. She received it from Ash. I got enough of her tricks. So, I decided on to take action this time. "Hey! Serena" I yelled at her.

Serena's POV:-
I was lost in my Ash's arms and don't want to let go of my Ash. But, suddenly, I heard multiple voice yelling my name. I lifted my face and opened my eyes to see Meitte, Concetta, Korrina and Aria in there. But, I didn't broke the hug with my Ash. I hand signed them to leave us alone. Then, Meitte pointed to her phone. Is she taking pictures of my hug with my Ash. Ohh! No! I got startled causing Ash to broke the hug. "What happened?" Ash asked me with low voice. "N-Nothing, my friends are here" I said pointing to others. Ash turned around to see them. "Hey! We didn't intended to interrupt your moment, but it's important" Meitte sarcastically said. I know what she meant as my cheeks turned to bright red. "Important" Ash said confused. "Yeah! It's about Serena, her mother is on the call" Meitte said as she gave her phone. I was shocked by what she said. "Hello, mama are you hearing" I asked.

"Hello, Serena are you good" I heard my mother's voice

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"Hello, Serena are you good" I heard my mother's voice. "Yeah! I am doing great, how about you" I asked my mom. "I am fine here, about I called, are you coming home" mom asked me. "Yeah! I am coming, I'll be home day after tomorrow" I replied. "Ok! I'll be waiting for you and if you get late inform me ok!" mom said. "Ok!" I replied. "Umm! Serena" mom said. "Yeah! Mama, what is it" I asked. "Did you seen Ash recently" mom asked. "Umm! He is with me, I mean, he is here with me and my friends" I replied. "Oh! So, can I talk with him" mom asked. "Sure mama, I will give phone to Ash" I replied and went to Ash. "Ash, mama wants to talk to you" I said. "Umm! Ok!" Ash accepted the request.

Grace's POV:-
"Hello! Aunty do you want to tell me something" I heard Ash's voice. "Hello! Are you fine" I asked him. "Yeah! I'm fine" He replied. "So, did anything happened" I asked. "No! It's good here for now" he replied. "Umm! Ok! So, when are you coming back" I asked. "It's not certain, I don't know, If I can" he replied. "Don't say like that! Delia is worried" I said. "Ok! I-I try to get there as fast as I can" he replied. "Why don't you come with Serena? I know she will like it" I asked him. "I can't!" He replied. "Why? Sh--" I was cut off by Ash. "I know too, but it will be dengerous for her" Ash said.

Ash's POV :-
"Why? Sh--" aunty said but I cut off her. As I looked at Serena, she too looking at me with smile. "I know too, but it will be dengerous for her" I replied in a slight voice.

Serena's POV:-
After I gave Ash phone, Meitte asked me. "Aunt told me, you didn't pick her call". "Huh! But I don't get any call today" I replied confused. "That's a lie, even if nobody didn't call you, I called you a bunch of times, before you caught" Meitte sarcastically said. As I remember, I didn't pick up Meitte's calls morning because of her annoyance, but after that what happened to phone.

Author's Note:- That's it for chapter 19. Hope you'll enjoy reading it too. Story processessed to another, interesting part. So, stay tuned for more Amourshipping moments. And for now BYE.

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