Chapter 20

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Serena's POV:-
I didn't pick up Meitte's calls morning because of her annoyance, but after that what happened to phone. I thought deeply and it hit me hard.

At the morning:-

Serena's POV:-
Meitte was calling me again and again. But I didn't pick up her call. She is trying to convince me to introduce my Ash to others. Why should I? So, I put my phone on silent mode and put it inside a box. Now, phone is not a problem. Nobody will interrupt my time with my Ash. Today is only for my love. I love you Ash, I love you so much. As I rushed to my Ash.

End of the Flashback:-

At Present:-
Serena's POV:-
I smiled in embarrassment, scratching my cheeks. "I forgot my phone is at the hotel" I said. "What? I knew you will do something like that" Meitte sarcastically said. "I-I didn't know something like this will happen, if I did, I wouldn't have done that" I said. "But, you wanted to do that, don't you" Meitte sarcastically said. "Meitte, I'll would have made you feel sorry, if only you weren't my friend" I said in frustration. "Ohh! I thought, you weren't interested in showing your bad side when Ash is around" Meitte sarcastically said. We were continued to argue with each other for a while. After some time, I noticed Ash hanging the call. I thought, my Ash as finished talking as he came to me and returned the phone. "Meitte, here you go, thanks for your help" I give her back her phone. "Don't you mention it, we are friends right" Meitte said. "However, I like to talk to Ash, in return of a favour" Meitte sarcastically whispered in my ear. I got startled by her words. I turned around to face Meitte. "What are you talking about" I said as I realised, I was quite loud saying that. So, I turned my face around to see my Ash. He wasn't looking like, he understood what I said? So, I turned my face around to Meitte. "I mean what are you planning on asking my Ash" This time in a low voice. "Oh! Nothing, I just wanted to Ask what your Ash likes about you" Meitte sarcastically said. But, the word she said 'your Ash' made me lost in fantasies.

 But, the word she said 'your Ash' made me lost in fantasies

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I felt my face burning up. and thought and said 'yes your my Ash' again and again in head. Suddenly Meitte's voice disturbed me. "So, Ash tell me do you like Serena" Meitte asked Ash. Huh! I quickly grabbed her shoulders and whispered. "What are asked to my Ash" I whispered to her annoyed. "I told you right, I going to ask how your Ash likes you" she whispered back to me. Again hearing 'your Ash' is so, so good but not right now. "When did you said that" I whispered in confusion. "What? You mean you didn't heard that" Meitte whispered to me. "Oh Boy! What do, I do with this girl" Meitte sarcastically whispered in my ear. As she ignored me and went to my Ash. "Tell me now, do you like Serena" Meitte sarcastically asked. "Huh! What are talking about" Ash replied in confusion. "I mean, do you feel something special about Serena" Meitte sarcastically asked looking at me. I was becoming more and more red by each second. So, many thoughts starting roam around my mind. What is going my Ash say? Does he likes me? Is he going to propose me? Or-or what else can my Ash say? I was really curious about how my Ash will respond to this. "Yeah! She is so special" Ash said. My eyes started to sparkle hearing my Ash's response. "Ohh!" All of my friends giggled at Ash's response. "Care to tell how is she special" Meitte sarcastically asked my Ash. "MEITTE" I got frustrated by Meitte because she is asking for so much more details. "Serena is so special because, I never seen anyone so, amazing at almost everything she does" Ash said. This made me so, so much happier. "Ohh! So, about this everything she does, which one is so special" Meitte sarcastically asked Ash. Meitte was again trying to know more than she has to. "Serena's cooking is so amazing, everything she makes with her hands are so much delicious than it can ever be" Ash said. I know, my Ash likes eating food that, I make but doesn't knew he likes it so much. "Umm! I know she is an exceptional cook but, I am talking about something different" Meitte said in unsatisfaction. "Different!" Ash said in confusion. "Don't worry! Ash That's nothing and thanks for telling me, you like my food" I said smiling. I don't wanted to bother my Ash any longer. "Serena, what are talking?" Meitte asked me. "That's enough, I don't want you'll to trouble my Ash" I said but rapidly realised that. I said 'my Ash' part loud so, Ash must be heard that.

I thought, what he will think about me, but looks like he doesn't mind

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I thought, what he will think about me, but looks like he doesn't mind. No! No! No! How can don't minding is good in love. Suddenly I heard fireworks display in the night sky. We all looked at it, it was really pretty in the night sky and watching it with my Ash is making it even more prettier. Everyone forgot about the questions asked to my Ash. I too, watched fireworks in enjoyment and having my Ash besides me is another level.

Ash's POV:-
Fireworks display was really beautiful. But the meaning of beautiful is Serena for me, from the beginning to end and maybe after too.

 But the meaning of beautiful is Serena for me, from the beginning to end and maybe after too

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Serena's POV:-
We were lost in the view of the fireworks. Ash's phone started to ring, he took it see, who it was. I too took a look at that, it was displaying Gary Oak. So, I assume Gary called my Ash. But, the question was why did he called to my Ash. Yeah! They are childhood friends and classmates. But why is he calling at this time.

Author's Note:- That's it for chapter 20. Hope you'll enjoy reading it. Stay tuned for more Amourshipping moments. And for now BYE.

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