Chapter 15

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???? POV:-
I was helplessly stuck with friends, who all prevented me by breaking conversation of Ash and Serena. I can't do anything but watch they both continued to talk. I felt jealous of Serena.

Serena's POV:-
I was telling my Ash everything about my feelings as much as possible. But still some words don't come out of my mouth. As it all going well, Meitte ruined my plan. "Ash, if you're interested to see around the town, you can join us" Meitte said. "If Serena and you don't have any problems, I am Ok with it" Ash replied. As he turned to me. "Don't worry about Serena, she is alright with it, don't you Serena!" Meitte sarcastically said. "I do" I said bluntly. But, I really have a problem. I want to spend all day alone with my Ash, just the two of us. "Serena, what are you saying" Meitte sarcastically said and pulled me. "You can't run away from us, so, just agree with it or I will tell him everything about you" Meitte sarcastically whispered in my ear. Huh! No! I don't want Meitte to tell about my feelings. I want to tell my Ash about my feelings. "Ok! I don't have any problems with joining with you all" I said. Unfortunately for me, Meitte completely spoiled my day with Ash. But, I can't resist because of her. She blackmailed me, I don't have a choice.

???? POV:-
"Ok! I don't have any problems with joining with you all" Serena said. I was kind a relief, because, I may get a chance of getting time to spend with Ash. Then, I'll make sure, Serena to be away from him.

Serena's POV:-
I agreed because of Meitte's blackmail. They didn't had lunch yet so, they've started lunch. As we all discussing about the plan, that they proposed to spend the day. Ash wasn't sitting on same table as us, because, table only had seven chairs. They booked table for just seven people so, I got a chair for me, but, I am not happy. Ash was sitting on empty chair or sometimes, he went to restaurant staff and talk, order for food and drink. I don't wanted to make Ash bored, but it's all happening because of Meitte.

Ash's POV:-
Well, I was free so, I decided to take some snacks. So, I walked to snack bar in the restaurant. I took a look at what's on there. I ordered a Gougères. Gougères are tiny, hollow pastry puffs made from choux dough and cheese. Two people were working their, one does the bill stuff, and another one works in package stuff. They started to bill and pack it. "Oh! Sir you become our 1000th customer today, congratulations" one in the bill counter exclaimed. "Huh! What are you talking about" I asked confused. "Sir, we are celebrating our snack bar's 10 years of anniversary, so, we give our 1st ,100th ,1000th and 2000th customer of today a gift" one who is working on the package stuff explained. "Yeah! And your our 1000th customer of today, here you go, your order and the gift" one working in bill counter said. He handed me, my order and a some gift box.

I opened it to see what is it? I a blue ribbon in that box

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I opened it to see what is it? I a blue ribbon in that box.As my thoughts unintentionally showed me the cerulean blue eyes of Serena.

???? POV:-I was sitting and having lunch as these friends are discussing about the plans that was made

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???? POV:-
I was sitting and having lunch as these friends are discussing about the plans that was made. Well, anyway, the plans have changed completely, atleast for me. My eyes are following Ash. But, sometimes he slips away from my sight. But, I am relaxed because, Serena wasn't near him, as she always does, that's annoying.

Serena's POV:-
Everyone is now done with lunch. so, we hit the road as soon as they payed their bill. I was again with my Ash. Me and my Ash is walking side by side. As, we are heading some destination like planned, but anyway, I don't know where. I don't care about the place until, I can be with my Ash. Meitte was walking just next to me, so that she can tease me. She is whispering in my ear so many things all related to my feelings for my Ash. "Serena, don't you want to hold Ash's hand" Meitte whispered in my ear.

 "Serena, don't you want to hold Ash's hand" Meitte whispered in my ear

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I want to but, I can't mustard up my courage. As I was trying to hold my Ash's hand but kept failing. "Serena, look there is a ice cream parlour" Ash said in excited and pointing to that. "Let's grab some ice cream" Ash said looking at me and grabbed my hand and began running for ice cream.

 "Let's grab some ice cream" Ash said looking at me and grabbed my hand and began running for ice cream

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I became nervous of Ash grabbing my hand. I became happy too. I want moments like these, to last long. But unfortunately, every moment ends. As we reached the ice cream parlour. Ash loosened his grip on my hand. But this time, I don't want to let go of my Ash, so, I grabbed my Ash's hand.

 But this time, I don't want to let go of my Ash, so, I grabbed my Ash's hand

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???? POV:-
We were walking and Serena doesn't even move an inch away from Ash. Why is she so fixeded on him? Just find someone else, he is going to mine.

Serena's POV:-
Ash treated us all a ice cream. "Hey! Serena, did he always eat like this" Meitte whispered in my ear. "Huh! What do you mean? Eating stomach full is essential to good health" I whispered to Meitte. "Yeah! I understand your point, but you know, he eats little too much" Meitte whispered in my ear again. She is really starting to irritate me. "What is your problem? My Ash eats as he wants, ok!" I whispered back to her. "Your, too supportive of Ash, don't you" Meitte sarcastically whispered in my ear. "And what about it?" I whispered to Meitte. "I was thinking, your supporting him because, you love him or you support him for making him fall for you" Meitte again whispered in my ear sarcastically.

Author's Note:- That's it for chapter 15. Hope you'll enjoy reading it. Stay tuned for more Amourshipping moments. And for now BYE till next chapter.

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