Chapter 25

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???? POV:-
"Actually, I don't think he has any feelings like Serena for Serena guys!" I said with pride in the voice. "Hey! That's just rude" Shauna said. Is she trying to teach me. "Yeah! You should apologise to Serena" Korrina joined in too. I have to apologise to her. I don't seeing that happen ever. Especially not to her, not in a million years. "Why should I? I didn't said anything wrong" I replied agressively. "You're definitely wrong about it" Nini said. Oh! Great, everyone is taking her side. So much for so called friends. "I wasn't wrong a bit and I refuse to accept it, Ok!" I replied in anger. "I didn't seen anything that shows he has feelings for her, So, what can you say about that haa!" I refuse to let them win. "Why are you talking like that--" Shauna was cut off by Meitte. "So, What is that thing, that shows the feelings according to you, huh! Tell me" Meitte asked me. "Huh! So, you want to know, How I feel about it? Huh! ok then" I said in a cocky tone. "Look, you guys don't have to argue because of me, I know about my Ash, so stop it" Serena said to all of us. But, I didn't like her referring 'my' for Ash at all. "What do you know huh! I am completely in the right side here" I said directly to Serena. "I won't lie to make you or anyone happy, I always say it like it is, I'm just like that, so, I will tell what I saw and what I understood? Don't blame me for speaking truth" I want to clarify it to everyone. "That's not right, you know don't you!--" Meitte was saying something but soon cut off by Serena. "Please don't argue for my sake!" Serena said to Meitte. "So, as I was saying, I didn't even heard him say anything like romantic about Serena, he didn't even appreciative of Serena's beauty also, So, I really doubt about his feelings, moreover I didn't seen anything like he was fond of Serena, except their friendship, did any of you seen anything, that can prove that, he really has a feelings for her, did you!" I was feeling kinda light weighted now. Because, after hearing all this, Serena would probably think back and starts to cry like a hell. And then, there is a chance of she moving on from Ash. Or maybe taking her life because of love failure. I didn't like her to choose death. But either way, Serena is going to stay away from Ash. Serena sprinted to washroom of this restaurant.

Serena's POV:-
I was at the restaurant but suddenly, my friends started to argue about me and my Ash's relationship. I was really not happy with the argument. Why did they have to pick up the mine and my Ash's relationship as a subject. As the argument got little too deep. I tried to calm everyone but, I wasn't able. So, I decided on hearing their opinion instead.  After that conversation got little out of hand, when I heard. "So, as I was saying, I didn't even heard him say anything like romantic about Serena, he didn't even appreciative of Serena's beauty also, So, I really doubt about his feelings, moreover I didn't seen anything like he was fond of Serena, except their friendship, did any of you seen anything, that can prove that, he really has a feelings for her, did you!". After I heard this, I-I thought back about this. As I started to remember the time. That I spent with my Ash and the situation of our parting ways. I felt tears forming in my eyes. So, I rushed to washroom. I did heard my friends calling. But, I wasn't able to go back. As I reached inside of the washroom. I couldn't able to keep my tears in check. Tears started to flow down my cheeks before I can realise. As I thought of what she said. According to her my Ash didn't shown any kind of romantic feelings towards me, ok!. No-one really goes around showing their love for someone. As for my Ash, he give me blue ribbon which is a proposal, if a boy gives it to a girl. After that she said. My Ash doesn't appreciate my beauty. My Ash is always appreciative of inner beauty. "Your smile is my gift". Those words of my Ash is more than enough for me. She also said, mine and my Ash's relationship is just friendship, huh!. I don't think that way. Reason is simple, I have a heart that belongs to my Ash. So, our relationship is much more than friendship. The only thing that bothering me is. I don't know where and how is my Ash. I tried so hard to stay by my Ash's side always without spliting for a second. But, I wasn't so successful and lately it's even worse.

Grace's POV:-
It was still evening in the pallet town. I was cleaning house and Serena's room. She will be coming home after one and half month. It's still be afternoon in kalos, where my daughter is. So, according to that timing. Serena will reach home in the early morning of tomorrow. I was cleaning in the Serena's room then, I heard my phone ring. I grabbed my phone, it was displaying 'Delia Ketchum' on the screen. Well she doesn't call without any reasons. I picked up the call. "Hello! What's up Delia" I asked cheerfully. Because, I am so happy, my daughter's coming home. "..G-Gra-ace.." I heard Delia sobbing. "What happened?" I asked her with supporting voice. I was only able to hear Delia's sobbing.

Serena's POV:-
After I came back from washroom. I wasn't talked to anyone about my Ash and they didn't ask either. We finished our shopping trip shortly and parted ways with each other. After that, I went to airport and boarded flight.

Author's Note:- That's it for chapter 25. Hope you'll enjoy reading it too. Stay tuned for more Amourshipping moments. And for now BYE.

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