chapter 1: First love

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Fourth woke up early that morning without his older brother Dunk dragging him out of bed. The reason he woke up this early was because they were having a football match with their old time rival school Harrow international school. He quickly put on his St Gabriel's uniform and combed his hair making sure he looked neat.

He ran downstairs where his family had already started eating breakfast. He greeted then grabbed a slice of toast after he grabbed his backpack.

"Hia!!! Come we are going to be late." Fourth yelled. "Aww honey you are still early, sit down for breakfast." Fourth shook his head while swallowing some toast then said "No can do Mae, I have early morning football practice."

"Hia Dunk!!" Fourth yelled again, he was getting impatient. "I am coming!" Dunk yelled back as he made his way downstairs adjusting his tie. "Sawedee ma, pa." He greeted his parents and grabbed an apple. "Hia!" Fourth yelled again impatiently waiting at the door. "Scream once again and I swear to the great mighty I will not be responsible for what I do to you." Dunk said and their parents laughed as they watched the bickering siblings leave for school.

"Remind me as to why did we have to leave this early again?" Dunk asked with a yawn. "Oh come on Hia. You know that we have a football match against Harrow today." Fourth replied. "I know, I know but isn't the match only in the afternoon?" Dunk asked his attention fixated on the road. Fourth sighed "It is but the boys and I want to get early morning practice, which I will be late for if you keep driving this slow." He said earning him a side eye from his brother.

After they reached the student parking at St Gabriel, Fourth practically jumped out of the car earning himself a scolding from his hia. "I love you too hia!" He yelled running, teasing his brother. "That brat!" Dunk said as he got out of the car.

"Sorry I am late guys." Fourth said as he reached the locker room. "It's fine we just got here." Satang replied. "I don't know why we have to come this early." Ford whined. "We have a match today remember?" Fourth said while changing into his gym attire. "Not just any match but a match with Harrow." Satang said giving Fourth a teasing smile.

Ford caught on, on Satang subliminal message and said "Oiii if Gemini was in the Math Olympics we would probably be in the library doing calculations right now." Fourth glared at him, while him and Satang laughed. "Shut up! Let's go to the field and work on a few techniques before biology class. I heard we have a quiz." Fourth said as he walked out of the locker rooms and the two boys followed.

After an hour going through techniques and perfecting their craft. They sat by the bench catching their breathe."I don't think I am fit enough for this. Tell me why I am playing football instead of being in musical theater?" Ford asked almost out of breathe. "Because Fourth forced you." Satang replied pointing at Fourth, he was equally as tired as Ford but wasn't showing it much.

If you couldn't already tell Ford is somewhat of a drama king.

"Hey I didn't force anyone." Fourth defended himself."Okay maybe not forced but emotionally blackmailed us." Satang replied. "Oh yeah 'mission get Fourth a boyfriend' I remember now." Ford said laughing. "Talking about that why haven't you made a move on him yet?" Satang asked Fourth. "Yeah honestly meung we can't join every sport activity Gemini is participating in. Last year we were playing badminton what's next? Rugby?" Ford added.

Fourth glared at them and shook his head. "I love you Fourth but I am not playing rugby, I need to think of my beautiful face." Ford said. "You guys know that Gemini already has a girlfriend." Fourth said unable to mask the disappointment on his face. "You mean Primly? They already broke up." Ford replied. "How do you know that?" Fourth asked looking at Ford skeptically. "Mark!" Satang said and Fourth nodded.

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