chapter 9: The truth revealed

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"Hey baby... don't cry." Gemini said and immediately hugged Fourth. "I am just really scared." Fourth said through his sobs. "No need to be. I am here for you. We have each other we can get through this together." Gemini said with his arms wrapped around Fourth.

Fourth didn't know if it was the fear or perhaps it was hormones but he has been crying so much lately that it's getting annoying.

Eventually Fourth stopped crying and was lying on Gemini's chest, the only way for him to calm down was for Gemini to sleep in bed with him. Luckily the beds in the VIP hospital room were big enough to fit the two, but Gemini is pretty sure that even if the bed wasn't big enough Fourth would've insisted on them sleeping together.

Pond and Phuwin came in to check up on Fourth only to find the two cuddling, fast asleep.

"They are so cute." Phuwin said and Pond only hummed. In his head he was hoping they didn't make another baby in this hospital room.

"You're hoping they didn't do the nasty in here aren't you?" Phuwin said looking at the two sleeping figures.

"You can't really put it past them." Pond said looking at Gemini and Fourth, they looked cute together even though he won't admit it out loud.

Gemini stirred awake and immediately stood up from the bed when he saw Pond and Phuwin looking at them causing a grumpy Fourth to wake up as well.

"Sawedee khab." Gemini quickly greeted Pond and Phuwin.

"Hello Gem." Phuwin greeted back.

"Sleep well?" Pond asked looking at Gemini.

"Uh-uhm Fourth wasn't feeling well so I just helped him to sleep." Gemini said trying to explain himself.

"Help him sleep huh?" Pond asked with his eyebrow raised.

"Gem come to bed, I want to sleep." Fourth said half asleep eyes still closed tugging the hem of Gemini's shirt.

Phuwin and Pond looked at Gemini to see what his reaction would be. Gemini stood there looking at them with an awkward smile. Fourth is going to be the death of him.

"Baby..." Fourth whined tugging Gemini's shirt.

"Not now baby." Gemini turned to Fourth and whispered but it was loud enough for Pond and Phuwin to hear.

Fourth slowly opened his eyes and saw that they were not alone. He quickly sat up and greeted his brothers.

"How are you feeling Fotfot." Phuwin asked as he approached Fourth. Gemini on the other hand quickly sat on the couch making space for his uncle and future brother in law to make their way to Fourth.

"I am so tired and hungry all the time." Fourth replied with a yawn.

"That’s because your red blood cell production has reduced, causing you to have anemia." Pond replied.

"Mmmh. When do I get to go home?" Fourth asked for the 10th time that day.

"We are actually here to pick you up." Phuwin replied making Fourth really excited. After 2 weeks stuck in this room he couldn't wait to be out of there.

Although Fourth's parents wanted him to come home for a few days because he just go discharged he didn't dare to do that since they were still unaware of his pregnancy. 

Fourth paused his studies officially, he was almost past the 4 months mark (16 weeks pregnant), First and Khaotung had been taking good care of him. On his last visit they gave him a ton of health education regarding what exercises he can do, what food he could eat. According to First he was supposed to be on bed rest for the entirety of his pregnancy.

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