chapter 14: home-coming

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"Fourth! Baby!" Gemini said holding Fourth's hand.

Fourth fluttered his eyes open groaning, the light was blinding. He was confused as to what had happened, why does his body feel like it was hit by a truck.

The last thing he remembered was coming home from school in London. The only thing he remembered was being in London with Phuwin and Pond.

"Gemini?" He said with a hoarse voice, his throat was dry and scratchy. He was surprised to see Gemini there. In his mind he wondered why the boy who broke his heart was doing there.

"Baby! You are awake." Gemini said as he removed the hair that was curtaining over Fourth's eyes.

"Baby?" Fourth replied confused and cleared his throat as his voice was really hoarse. Fourth was even more confused now, why was Gemini calling him in an endearing way.

"Are you okay? Just wait a second, I am going to call someone." Gemini said rushing out of the room to find a nurse, a doctor or any health care professional.

Fourth looked around the room trying to recall where he was, what had happened and why was his body was aching. His mind was foggy and the more he tried to remember how he ended up there his head hurt.

"Fourth, you are awake." First said with a smile as he walked in the room followed by Khaotung, Pond and Gemini.

Fourth tried to sit up, flinching in pain as his surgery wounds were still healing.

"Be careful nong you are still recovering. You just delivered a few weeks ago." Khaotung said assisting Fourth into a comfortable sitting position.

Fourth looked at Pond, confused by Khaotung’s statement.

"Hia what do they mean delivered?" Fourth asked and Khaotung and First looked at each other.

"Nong do you know where you are?" First asked with a worried look on his face.

"At the hospital?" Fourth replied a bit confused.

"Do you know which hospital?" First asked and Fourth shook his head. 

"What do you remember?" Khaotung asked with the same worried look First had.

"I don't know. Hia what's going?" Fourth asked with a worry filled expression.

"FotFot do you know where you are?" Pond asked and Fourth kept quiet. His gaze averted towards Gemini who was looking at him.

"Baby..." Gemini said as he approached Fourth. Seeing Gemini so close to him Fourth suddenly had a sharp pain in his frontal cortex making him clench his eyes shut and groan in pain.

"Baby are you okay?" Gemini asked holding Fourth by his shoulders.

Fourth was in horrible pain, Gemini quickly encircled him into a tight embrace cooing the boy to calm down. Fourth burried his head in the crook of Gemini's neck wrapping his arms tightly around him.

Gemini's scent was so familiar, comforting and although his head was throbbing in pain, being in Gemini's arms made it tolerable.

As he continued inhaling Gemini's scent a series of images flashed in his mind. It was like a vision, a dream. In them he saw all the moments he spent with Gemini. He saw himself being pregnant, going through morning sickness and then...

He suddenly jerked away from Gemini's embrace looking at the boy in shock.

"Baby are you okay?" Gemini  asked looking at a frantic Fourth.

"Babies? Where are the babies?" Fourth asked. In the series of images he remembered being in the theatre room, he remembered the loud angry cry of newborn babies. He remembered the man in surgical clothing sitting beside him telling him the gender of the newborns.

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