chapter 20: old married couple

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Gemini woke up from the sounds of giggling and incomprehensible sounds from their now ten month old twins, and a glowing pregnant fairy that was Fourth.

"Morning." Gemini said with his deep voice low and hoarse.

"Morning daddy." Fourth said laughing, he had Aree on his lap while Amree was chewing on the ear of his stuffed elephant next to them.

"You three are up early." Gemini said glancing at clock on their bedroom wall only to see it was only 6 am in the morning.

"I think all the traveling between my mom's house and your mom's house messed with their sleeping schedule." Fourth replied planting kisses on Aree's soft chubby cheeks.

"I guess our schedule is messed up too then." Gemini replied sitting up and picked up Amree putting him on his lap.

"I guess so." Fourth replied laughing at the half-awake Gemini. Even after they became parents Gemini was still not a morning person.

Fourth's laughter captivated Gemini. Fourth looked even more beautiful than he ever did, this pregnancy made him look like a literal fairy. His hair was fluffy and curtained over his forehead, his lips cherry red, cheeks flushed a rosy pink color and his doe brown eyes glistened a honey glazed color.

"What are you looking at?" Fourth asked with a smile, after catching Gemini staring at him.

"How do you look this beautiful so early in the morning? This must be some sort of a crime." Gemini said making Fourth burst in to laughter.

Fourth's laughter was endearing, it was like angels were playing harps and all heavenly instruments at once.

"What do you mean beautiful? I am almost 7 months pregnant with swollen ankles." Fourth replied and even his morning voice sounded like music to Gemini's ears.

"You make pregnancy look sexy." Gemini said making Fourth chuckle.

"Gem... we are infront of our kids." Fourth replied with a chuckle.

"I doubt they can even understand what we are saying." Gemini replied with a sinister smile, making Fourth roll his eyes.

"Okay then daddy, let's go make the twins breakfast before Amree gets cranky." Fourth said.

"Say that again." Gemini said with a smirk.

"Say what?" Fourth asked with knotted eyebrows.

Even with his face distorted in confusion he looked incredibly beautiful, ethereal.

"Call me daddy." Gemini said making Fourth burst into a fit of laughter.

"Stop with your flirting and help me out of the bed." Fourth replied removing Aree from his lap.

Gemini and Fourth changed the twins, putting them in fresh diapers and cute bunny onesies.

While Fourth was busy playing with the twins, watching an episode of the loony toons. Gemini was busy preparing breakfast for them and the twins.

Gemini had learned cooking just for the sole purpose of taking better care of Fourth and the twins. He took a 4 week long cooking course, and he had become a pretty decent cook.

"That smells good." Phuwin said entering the kitchen, it was 7 am already.

"I made blueberry waffles, bacon and scrambled eggs." Gemini replied feeling proud.

"Why does that sound like all Fourth's favorites?" Phuwin asked.

"I might be biased." Gemini replied laughing softly.

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