Happy with you: The end

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"Father, I need to talk to you regarding a few concerns of mine." Arthit said to Gemini.

It wasn't unusual for the 9 year old to voice his concerns to Gemini, and usually, when he did, it was because of either Aroon or Fourth.

"What is it, Art?" Gemini asked, giving his son his full attention.

"It is about Roony's development." Arthit spoke in his usual calm voice that was laced with concern and a little judgement.

Arthit was probably the most judgemental and disapproving 9 year old Gemini has ever met. He shuddered at the thought of a teenage Arthit and all the judgement he is probably going to give them.

"What about Aroon's development?" Gemini asked curiously. Somehow, this had to do something with what his husband said. Fourth would say outrageous things that Arthit would sometimes take seriously. Their second youngest struggled with understanding jokes sometimes or sarcastic comments made by his older siblings.

"Baba told Roony that he was planting him in fertile soil so that Roony could grow up and tall like me and P'Aree and P'Amree, but we both know that is not how children become tall. There are a lot of factors involved, genetics being one." Arthit said in all seriousness.

"Art... I am pretty sure your baba was joking." Gemini said with exasperated fondness.

"At first, I thought so even though the joke was not very funny. However, Baba insists that Roony is a little radish and I pretty sure that radishes don't grow taller either. Do you perhaps have a father's memory loss from years ago that could have affected his knowledge when it comes to basic biology? I can always give him a crasher course, but I am afraid it will not be beneficial because he is also convinced I am some sort of vegetable. Maybe you can order an MRI or CT scan just to check that everything is okay." Arthit said calmly in all seriousness.

"Art..." Gemini sighed. "I will talk to your baba, perhaps take him to Uncle Pond to check that everything is fine."

"That will be appreciated." Arthit replied, and before Gemini could blink; the 9 year old was gone.

Arthit was extremely intelligent and struggled a bit when it came to understanding social concepts. He was sensitive and had that deadpan sort of humour that Fourth loved so much.

Gemini knows that parents shouldn't have favourites, but he was certain that Arthit was Fourth's favourite judging by how his husband constantly teased and hassled their second youngest.

Arthit did mention that he does, in fact, have a favourite person, and unfortunately for him and Fourth, it wasn't either of them. It was their youngest, Aroon.

Aroon was the only person in the family who received physical affection from Arthit. He even got a nickname from Arthit. Aroon even got all of Arthit's smiles, which were gorgeous, almost a replica of Fourth's smiles.

"Roony is easy to understand and extremely cute." Arthit had one day randomly stated this to him.

Amree and Aree were two doting older siblings, like Fourth Gemini believed that Arthit was probably their favourite person. Especially Aree, she especially loved teasing Arthit.

Like Arthit, Amree and Aree were very intelligent. A+ students. The only difference was they were sporty, played all kinds of instruments and were very sociable. Gemini often found it hard to keep up with the twins. The 11 year old were very popular at their school and often had a lot of sleepovers and play dates.

Gemini felt extremely lucky to have such a beautiful family, Aroon was almost 3 years old and absolutely adorable. He could see why Arthit favoured him more than the rest of the family members. Aroon was such a sweet toddler, hardly ever fussed. Him and Arthit would play calmly together for hours until he would find them all curled up on Arthit's bed fast asleep, it is such an adorable sight that he has dozens and dozens of pictures as proof.

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