chapter 23: Remember me

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It had been almost 2 hours and Fourth hadn't show up at the party. Gemini was starting to get worried especially since he wasn't answering his phone. As he was about to try to call Fourth again, he received a call from an unknown number.

"Hello is this Khun Gemini?" The voice on the other side of the line asked.

"Yes this is him." Gemini replied, he had a strange feeling about this whole thing.

"We are calling to let you know that we have Khun Nattawat here at Bangkok Academic Hospital." The voice said and Gemini's heart dropped.

"What about him? What happened?" Gemini asked, his heart was racing. Anxiety consuming him.

"Please come to the hospital immediately sir. We need to get the patient to surgery and we need their next of kin's written consent." The voice said and Gemini's nightmares were coming to life.

Something happened to Fourth!

Gemini rushed out of the resort not saying anything to anyone. Pond and Phuwin followed when they saw the distressed look on the younger's face.

"Gemini! Wait!" Pond said after he caught up with the younger. He crouched down trying to catch his breath.

"I have to go hia, Fourth- Fourth is in the hospital." Gemini said his eyes welled up with tears. Nothing made sense at that point, the only thing on his mind was getting to the hospital as soon as he could.

"What?" Pond immediately composed himself.

"I have to go. Fourth needs surgery, I will be at Bangkok Academic Hospital." Gemini said and Pond nodded.

Pond and Phuwin followed Gemini to the hospital, on the way there Phuwin informed Fourth and Gemini's parents about the situation.

It turned out Fourth had lost a lot of blood and had acquired a lot of injuries. He had broken ribs, which one might have penetrated his lung and had lost a lot of blood. However among his injuries the one that had the experts worried was the swelling in his brain due to trauma caused by the impact when he crashed his car.

They had to perform a craniectomy to relieve the intracranial pressure caused by the swelling in the brain. Fourth was in surgery for hours, with multiple blood transfusions.

It must have been two in the morning. Gemini had been there so long that it was too hard to tell and when he looked back at the hours they blended into each other like split paint on the marble floor.

He walked through the white washed corridors looking for a place to get some alone time, or maybe some of that disgusting hospital coffee they serve. He had been crowded by so many people giving him pitiful looks. He hated that, they looked at him as if he was already a widower.

Fourth was still alive for crying out loud!

While he was wandering around looking for solitude he noticed a few people, it was just a couple of nurses. They had their hair tied back with eyes bloodshot from fatigue and bothersome patients. He was too emotional to be tired but he was certain he looked worse than them appearance wise.

After getting a cup of hospital coffee he walked back and found Pond still waiting. Just by the look on Pond's face he could see that Fourth was still in surgery.

After waiting for more excruciatingly torturous hours finally someone came to update them.

"Mr Titicharoenrak." The surgeon asked looking between the three men.

"That would be me." Gemini said looking at the surgeon with anxious eyes.

"Well Mr Titicharoenrak the surgery was a success. Khun Nattawat is out of the woods for now, he is still in a critical condition but stable for the time being. There was significant swelling on the brain so he will be in ICU to monitor his condition." The surgeon said and Gemini listened attentively.

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