chapter 22: Is this the end?

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Fourth was woken up by loud crying, he groaned in his sleep. He just fell asleep less than 2 hours ago.

"Gem... Gem wake up it's your turn to check on the babies." Fourth said in his half-asleep state.

They were sleeping in the same room as their twins and their newborn, or rather trying to get some sleep. They all kept them awake all night alternating on who would cry at which time.

Aree and Amree had a fixed schedule, and would usually sleep through the night. At least they used to, now since the arrival of Arthit they seem to have adopted Arthit messed up schedule.

Gemini got of bed with his eyes half-opened walking towards the three cot beds to see which on of their munchkins was crying their lungs out. He made a mental note to get a vasectomy as soon as possible, because there is no way in hell he is doing this again.

Fortunately for him it was semester break which means he didn't need to attend uni, otherwise he would probably look like a zombie roaming the faculty of medicine in Chula.

Once he got to the three cotbeds that were placed side by side, he realised the culprit of all this fussing was none other than their youngest.

Arthit looked like an angel, and was an angel throughout the day. Yet come night time he became the spawn of the devil who never allowed them any sleep.

He picked up his little angel and tried to coo him to sleep. However little Arthit was screaming his little lungs out, causing Amree and Aree to start fussing.

"Little fotfot have mercy on your papa." Gemini said trying to rock Arthit back to sleep.

He tried everything to calm Arthit down, yet the little one wasn't complying. He changed his diaper and tried to give him some formula milk, assuming he was hungry but Arthit refused to latch on the bottle.

Gemini knew that the only thing that can calm their youngest was Fourth. He didn't to wake his husband up since he only got little sleep thanks to Arthit. So he continued rocking the fierce little tiger to sleep, singing a lullaby but it didn't work.

"Let me help you." Gemini heard Fourth's voice come behind him.

"I am sorry." Gemini said when he turned to face Fourth.

"It's okay love." Fourth replied taking Arthit into his arms, and within seconds the fierce little tiger quieted down.

"Clearly he has favorites." Gemini mumbled and Fourth chuckled half-heartedly. He was beyond exhausted, having 3 young kids below the age of one can do that to a person.

Fourth took a sit of the rocking chair, feeding Arthit his formula milk. Gemini scoffed when Arthit latched on the bottle without any resistance.

"I am going to make you some tea." Gemini suggested, it was much calmer and peaceful now. He didn't want to go to sleep now, not with Fourth wide awake now. 

"Mmmh. Thank you baby." Fourth replied with a yawn.

Fourth was exhausted and was still recovering from his surgery. It had only been 4 weeks since he had delivered Arthit.

Gemini came back with tea and oatmeal cookies for Fourth. His husband was such a wonderful person, he couldn't imagine surviving going through half of what Fourth went through.

Arthit was fast asleep in Fourth's arms, it was like Fourth had the magic touch. Especially with Amree and Arthit, just a few lullabies and they would fast asleep in Fourth's arms.

"How do you do it?" Gemini asked genuinely impressed.

"Partenal instincts I guess." Fourth replied chuckling.

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