chapter 12: Dying

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" please go to bed." Gemini plead with his stubborn boyfriend.

"No Gem. I am helping you here." Fourth replied.

"FotFot I know you want to help love, but please I can handle everything here. You know you need to be on bed rest." Gemini said.

Gemini and Fourth were preparing the nursery for the twins since Fourth will be having a cesarean section in four weeks. Fourth was around 32weeks pregnant now and fortunately he was doing good health wise, however he had become even more stubborn now. So stubborn that he hardly listened to anyone especially Gemini, to be fair though Gemini always gave in easily when it came to Fourth.

"You not going to do it right Gem." Fourth argued.

"Fourth stop! You know you are not supposed to be doing any hard work." Gemini said stopping Fourth from moving some stuff around.

"Gem it's not hard work! It's just pillows." Fourth argued making Gemini release an exasperated sigh.  Fourth had become so stubborn that he couldn't even argue with him anymore.

"P'Pond!" Gemini shouted walking out of the now nursery room. He decided to call his 'brother-in-law' to deal with Fourth, he needed reinforcements to deal with the stubborn pregnant cat.

"What?" Pond said from the living room.

"Fourth is busy trying to rearrange the nursery room again." Gemini complained to Fourth.

"Love! Fourth is at it again." Pond said to Phuwin as he was the only one who could deal with Fourth. For some reason Fourth was stubborn with everyone except Phuwin.

Phuwin sighed and walked towards the nursery. It really surprised him how these two supposed tough guys were terrified of the little pregnant kitten.

"Will deal with it." He responded while Pond and Gemini stayed behind in the living room. They were avoiding Fourth's deadly glares once he found out that they snitched on him.

"Fotfot. Come let's go to bed." Phuwin said with his hand tenderly placed on Fourth's waist.

"But Phi I still need to repack the twins clothing and I want to set up the diaper changing station." Fourth argued.

"Don't worry about that, just tell me how you want everything done and I will make sure it gets done." Phuwin replied leading Fourth to his bedroom.

"But phi I just want everything to be done perfectly." Fourth argued again.

"It will be, I promise. If you behave I promise to get you a donut topped with ice cream." Phuwin replied.

"Glazed donut with chocolate ice-cream?" Fourth asked with glistening eyes, the donut and ice cream was his favorite snack lately.

"Yes I promise." Phuwin replied making Fourth to comply and lie on the bed obediently.

Phuwin walked passed the living room to the kitchen to make Fourth his donut and ice cream.

"You guys are unbelievable." Phuwin said passing by Pond and Gemini.

"Well he only listens to you." Pond replied and Gemini hummed.

Phuwin made the sweet snack for Fourth and gave Gemini and Pond the specific instructions to set up the nursery the way Fourth wanted.

Their parents were joining them for dinner, they came almost everyday since they wanted to be closer to Fourth especially with him going to deliver the twins soon.

Both parents had set up a nursery on each of their houses because they planned on having the twins overnight once in a while especially when Fourth returns to uni.

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