chapter 25: Gemini! the man you are.

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Weeks went by and there wasn't any luck of Fourth getting his memories back. He tried everything, watched several hours of the videos he had accumulated over the years. He even visited all the places that he thought might trigger his memory but he was out of luck.

Everyone was very supportive, showering him with love. Which was expected because the people in his life were just amazing people, flawed but amazing nonetheless.

The one person who Fourth admired most during this time was none other than Gemini.

Gemini was so patient with him, tender and caring. He would always speak to him using the softest tone of voice, he was so loving and would give him the brightest of smiles whenever he was feeling down. Fourth was convinced that Gemini was an angel, heaven's encarnate.

He was falling in love with Gemini, well in this case falling in love with Gemini all over again.

It was exhilarating and terrifying at the same time.

Fourth felt giddy and happy whenever he saw Gemini. He just wanted to squeeze the older tight and never let go. Every time he came in contact with Gemini it was like the feeling when food arrived at your table after you haven't eaten all day.

Gemini's smile made him feel as if he was freezing and just sat down on a heating pad. It gave him instant warmth he felt from within, the older's smile made him smile too.

If Fourth could describe how Gemini made him feel he would say that the older made him feel like a billion butterflies rushed through his body when he is mentioned. When he randomly thought of how Gemini was doing it made him smile, and when the older would tell him he loved him. He felt safe in Gemini's arms and wanted to get as close as physically possible to him.

It was cliché as fuck but that's just how he felt, he was falling in love all over again.

Fourth was fortunate to have a day to himself, the kids were either with his mother or Gemini's mother. He wasn't sure because of the migraines he had been getting, Pond and Phuwin were out of town for a week whereas Gemini was going to be either at the hospital or uni.

He thought of maybe going to the mall but then again he realized that he was no longer familiar with everything, so much has changed over 5 years. So much that he can't remember, it felt like he was stuck in the past.

He couldn't hang out with Ford and Satang either because the two were busy with uni work. So the only option was for him to stay by himself and figure a way to entertain himself, at least he had 5 years worth of catching up to various series'

He made himself some salted butter popcorn, he was going to watch the batman VS superman movie, he wasn't really a DC person but whatever kills his boredom would have to do.

He couldn't help but think of Gemini.

"If Gemini was a superhero in the DC universe he will probably be Superman." Fourth mumbled to himself as he watched the movie.

The movie did kill his boredom, it mostly infuriated him more than it did entertain him. He kept yelling at the TV screen occasionally throwing popcorn at it.

"What's happening?" Gemini asked when he found Fourth yelling at Bruce Wayne for something the older couldn't make out.

"Oh- uhm hi Gem." Fourth said with a sheepish chuckle. He felt embarrassed to found by the man he loved while he behaved like a complete lunatic. To his defense the movie was infuriating, how can a god-like being compare to a mere mortal.

Superman literally had the ability to shoot laser out of his eyes, was abnormally strong and he could fly. So how exactly was he fighting with batman when he could just obliterate him by just staring at him.

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