chaper 4: Revelations

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So after the shocking revelation that Phuwin and Joong were not only related but they were related to the one man Fourth wished to never associate himself with again. However the universe seems to be forcing them together into the same vicinity. 

They eventually became calmer, and started to talk about other things that were not related to Gemini. It turns out Dunk and Phuwin got along pretty well. Pond was still trying to intimidate Joong a bit but he had to admit to himself that Joong was a good guy, and it seemed like he was in love with his little brother.

They had lunch together, and Phuwin bought Fourth strawberry cheesecake to cheer him up.

Joong and Dunk left together after lunch, whereas Pond had to take a taxi quickly to the hospital to deal with some paperwork. Leaving Phuwin with his car to take Fourth to uni for his last class of the day.

Phuwin dropped off Fourth near his faculty but before Fourth could leave he was kissed on the cheek and a hug was given. Phuwin just wanted to make Fourth feel better.  He knew about the guy who broke Fourth's heart, he just didn't know that guy was his nephew. The universe really has an interesting sense of humor.

While Phuwin gave Fourth a hug and peck on the cheek, Mark happened to see the exchange and quickly took a video to send to Ford. Suddenly Aun's words were ringing in his head. Clearly this is the hot guy Aun was talking about. Mark knew Dunk, and Ford had shown him a picture of Pond so he knew the guy can't be mistaken as one of Fourth's brothers.

As soon as Ford saw the video, he sent an SOS in their group chat. Usually when an SOS is sent to the group chat it meant you drop everything off and meet whoever sent the SOS at the chosen spot.

So reluctantly Fourth went over to the Medicine Faculty to meet up with Fourth and Satang. As soon as he got there he found his friends eyeing him suspiciously. 

"Why are you guys looking at me like that?" Fourth said as he took a seat.

"Fourth you know you can tell us anything right? We won't judge you." Ford said leaving Fourth very confused.

"Yeah I know that. What are you talking about?" Fourth said with a confused expression still plastered on his face.

"We are talking about your boyfriend." Satang said making Fourth to choke on his own saliva. "What do you mean boyfriend?" Fourth asked.

"No need to lie to us. Winny already knows the guy is model and an artist signed under GMMTV. " Satang said and Ford added "Yeah he looks really good too, so I don't see why you would hide him from us."

Fourth finally understood what they meant when they mentioned GMMTV.  "Seriously you guys? You called an SOS over this?" Fourth questioned his friends shaking his head.

"Of course we did. You are out here kissing and hugging outside your Faculty but you didn't even let us know you have someone." Ford said pouting.

"And here we were thinking you were still hung up on Gemini." Satang added.

"Guys! P'Phuwin is not my boyfriend." Fourth defended himself.

"No use denying it Fourth, we have proof." Ford said showing Fourth the video Mark had sent to him.

Seeing the video Fourth could understand how this whole situation could be blown out of proportion, especially without any context.

"Guy's P'Phuwin is hia Pond's boyfriend. He is basically my older brother." Fourth answered handing Ford back his phone.

Both Ford and Satang looked at each other then at the video.

"You seem awfully close with your brother in law." Ford said still eyeing Fourth suspiciously and Fourth just shrugged.

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