chapter 5: The beginning

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Fourth and Gemini slowly became closer, although they never hangout alone just the two of them but at least they were no longer awkward around each other. They would either hangout with their friends or Dunk and Joong, since Joong was close to Gemini.

Although Gemini would like to hangout with just Fourth he still didn't know how to ask him. Fourth on the other hand didn't dare to ask, he didn't want a repeat of that whole kiss fiasco. If it wasn't for their friends making the group chat they probably wouldn't have each other's numbers.

On this particular day Phuwin had invited Fourth to have dinner with his sister, a.k.a Gemini's mother. Fourth wanted to say no but how could he reject his favourate Phi's invitation and his brother was coming as well so he just gave in.

Phuwin drove Fourth to uni that day as he would usually do when he didn't have any schedules since he knew Fourth didn't like driving.

"I will pick you up at 14h00 na." Phuwin said ruffling Fourth's hair. "Okay phi." Fourth said as he got out of the car. "Enjoy your day, I love you." Phuwin said a little too loud for Fourth's liking, he now understood why Phuwin and Pond were perfect for each other.

"Okay love you too." Fourth replied and hurriedly ran into his faculty's building making Phuwin laugh. Pond had told him about how Fourth got so shy and embarrassed when he told him he loved him publicly when dropping him off, so Phuwin wanted to try it out since a shy Fourth is a cute Fourth.

Fourth went to the cafeteria at his faculty. His friends, which now included Gemini were meeting him for breakfast there. They would rotate among their faculty cafeterias for breakfast and lunch since they had to have meals together.

"Sorry I am late." Fourth said as he gave Ford and Satang hugs and kisses on the cheeks.

"It's okay we got you food already." Satang said sliding the tray of food to Fourth. "Thank you." Fourth said making a kissy face at Satang.

"So why are you late? Traffic?" Mark asked and Fourth shook his head. "P'Phuwin had to go to GMM before he dropped me off." He said after swallowing the food he was munching on.

"Why do you have a car if you never drive yourself?" Winny asked because he had noticed Fourth hardly ever drives, either Phuwin or Pond would drive him over to uni.

"Because hia Pond insisted on buying me the car incase if either him or P'Phu cannot drive me." Fourth replied.

"Bro you're so lucky." Winny responded and Satang said teasingly "more like spoiled." And the others hummed in agreement making Fourth glare at Satang.

"Just joking." Satang said pinching Fourth's cheeks.

"Anyways how about we go watch a movie or go bowling tonight since it's Friday?" Ford suggested to his friends but to their surprise Gemini and Fourth simultaneously said "No."

They looked at them both suspiciously and Mark asked with a mischievous grin "Oho what is this? Are you two going on a secret date?"

"What secret date? I am having dinner with my parents, my mom insisted I come home tonight." Gemini replied.

"Yeah I am having dinner with P'Phuwin and... Gemini's family." Fourth said avoiding eye contact with his friends and just focused his attention on his food as if it was the most interesting thing there. 

Gemini looked at Fourth with widened eyes clearly in shock, he didn't know that Fourth was coming over to his home. He made a mental note to go home earlier than intended to make sure his room was clean and there's nothing embarrassing there. Just in case Fourth went into his room, even though the chances were slim.

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