chapter 18: pregnancy scare

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After a few hours Gemini got home only to find his friends and boyfriend panicking.

"Thank goodness you are here, did you come with them?" Ford asked making Gemini frown.

"With what?" Gemini asked with furrowed brows.

"The pills Gemini. Didn't you tell him to bring the pills Fot?" Ford said looking at Fourth.

"Of course I did." Fourth quickly defended himself.

"Why does it matter? He can't take the pills anyways." Satang argued.

"Well if he has the pills we can look them up right?" Ford counter argued.

"We can't trust everything on the internet Ford. Fourth's situation is different and we cannot just look it up." Satang argued.

Before Ford could counter argue Gemini interjected, stopping the two from further arguing.

"Stop it! Can someone tell me what is going on." Gemini said and everyone went quiet, blood rushed to Fourth's face making his cheeks turn rosy pink from embarrassment.

"Also Fot the pills you asked me to get, that pharmacist lady said you need to come along." Gemini said.

"Well that's expected. Some pharmacies don't sell morning after pills to men." Satang replied.

"You seem to know a lot about these things Tang." Ford commented, finding the guy too knowledgeable about these things, considering the fact that none of them ever had girlfriends.

"Well P'Den has had a lot of pregnancy scares to last a lifetime." Satang responded and the other friends nodded.

P'Den was Satang's older cousin who was known to have a new girlfriend every other week. He was a nice guy, just a bit promiscuous.

"Wait pregnancy scare? Who is pregnant?" Gemini asked after he processed what Satang just said.

"Fourth." Ford replied.

"Wait how is he pregnant we only had sex last night." Gemini bluttered out without thinking twice about what he had just said.

"I am not pregnant!" Fourth retorted.

"Well you could be if you don't get the pills or something to stop Gemini's soldiers from invading your- well eggs I guess." Ford replied.

"Shia I didn't think about that, and you aren't on any contraceptives." Gemini said softly looking at Fourth.

"So what are we going to do?" Ford asked.

"Well I still think we should reach out to Dr Khaotung or prof Kanaphan." Satang said and the rest hummed in agreement.

After calling Khaotung’s offices, his secretary said the earliest appointment is only in 3weeks and that will probably be too late by then.

"You have to talk to P'Pond." Satang said and Ford nodded.

"I can't he is going to kill me." Fourth replied.

"He is not going to kill you Fot, you are literally his little baby. He gives in to your every request. As for Gemini I can't promise his safety." Satang said.

"I agree with Tang Fot, P'Pond won't kill you, he might kill Gem but never you." Ford added.

"So I am basically a dead man walking huh?" Gemini said heaving a heavy sigh.

Now realistically speaking, Pond won't kill him, his uncle would prevent that from happening. However chances are his uncle, Phuwin might end up being the one killing him.

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