chapter 6: the unexpected

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The next morning Gemini woke up with a splitting headache. When he tried to move he felt something heavy on his chest, it turned out that Fourth laid his head on his chest.

"What happened last night?" Gemini said softly as he clenched his eyes shut the light coming through the window was suddenly blinding. He looked at Fourth's sleeping image and it seemed like the younger had no clothes on.

"Shiaa" Gemini said as last night's events played in his head.

This isn't exactly how he planned his first time with Fourth would go. Although they were both extremely intoxicated he felt a sense of guilt wash over him. He felt like he might have taken advantage of Fourth.

His heart stopped beating for a minute when Fourth started moving.

"What if he doesn't remember what happened?" Gemini thought to himself as he watched Fourth's eyes flutter open.

Fourth groaned as he opened his eyes moving his head from Gemini's chest.

"Morning" Gemini said softly. He was nervous, he didn't know how Fourth was going to react.

Fourth looked at him and smiled and said  "Morning Gem."

"He is smiling does that mean he is not angry right?" Gemini thought to himself as he watched Fourth.

"What happened last night?" Fourth said with his hand on his head eyes half open. "And why am I nake- oh oh lord! Did we-?" Fourth asked looking at Gemini and the older nodded.

"Oh lord! I am so sorry Gemini." Fourth said covering his face with both his hands.

"Wait why are you apologizing? I am the one who should apologize. I am so sorry Fourth." Gemini said as he took Fourth's hands into his. Fourth couldn't look at Gemini so he just looked down.

"Hey Fourth look at me." Gemini said softly. Seeing the look of guilt on Fourth's face made him feel even more guilty. Fourth slowly lifted his eyes to look at Gemini. His honey glazed eyes glistened.

"You know I like you right?" Gemini asked looking at Fourth and the younger just nodded, not daring to say anything. "I have liked you for the longest, I know this is probably a weird way to start a relationship but since.. well a few steps skipped should we perhaps give it a try?"

Fourth's eyes widened, his cheeks glowed a rosy pink as he felt heat travel from his chest past his neck to his ears. "What-what do you mean?" Fourth stuttered. 

"I mean let's try dating?" Gemini said while tightening his grip on Fourth's hands and looked at him with hopeful eyes.

Fourth's insides were doing somersaults while his heart was beating at an accelerated speed. He wasn't sure if he was dreaming or not, was this actually happening? The amount of times he had wished for this confession and now it was happening.

"Fourth...say something please." Gemini said feeling uneasy with Fourth's silence.

"I  guess we can do that." Fourth said trying to sound calm and cool. He couldn't possibly show Gemini that he was freaking out.

"So boyfriends?" Gemini said looking intently at Fourth, he wanted confirmation and reassurance that they both understood each other.

"Yeah boyfriends." Fourth said with a smile, his rosy pink cheeks glowed. He couldn't hide the fact that he was blushing even if he wanted to.

"So how are you feeling?" Gemini asked still holding on to Fourth's hands, who was now his boyfriend. After so many years and dating multiple people he finally ended up with the person who had unknowingly owned his heart all along.

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