chapter 21: the birth of the sun

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A week had passed and Fourth had only a few days before his elective c-section. He only had an aching back and swollen ankles. This pregnancy was much kinder to him, with his blood pressure closely monitored.

With his delivery just a few days away, his mother had Amree and Aree with her. Just in case if an emergency occurred. They didn't prepare a nursery, hey just added an extra bed cot in the twins nursery room and of course their room.

They didn't buy new clothes or toys because the newlyweds figured the newborn will use Amree's and Aree's old clothing, but that didn't stop their family and friends from buying all new baby stuff.

"Baby why are you crying?" Gemini asked when he found Fourth crying in the living room.

Fourth had on an oversized T-shirt and he still looked incredible with his long fluffy hair curtaining his face.

"I am out of oreos." Fourth replied with a pout, lifting an empty oreo packet to show his husband.

"Love... don't cry. We can always get you more oreos, I will call hia Phuwin to come with more oreos when he comes home from work. But tell me why aren't you wearing any pants?" Gemini said with raised eyebrows when he noticed Fourth's exposed thighs under the oversized t-shirt.

"I took my pants off after my water broke." Fourth replied still crying over the oreos.

"What?" Gemini asked with widened eyes, not sure if he heard his pregnant emotional husband correctly.

Fourth hadn't been making much sense recently, he would either be forgetful or talk about things that Gemini couldn't comprehend.

"My water broke when I was in the bathroom earlier on. At first I thought I peed on myself, which wouldn't be unlikely but it turned out my water just broke." Fourth replied sniffling, he was still grieving for Oreos.

"Since when? Why didn't you say anything?" Gemini asked panicked.

"Because I had to get some oreos." Fourth replied trying to get up from the floor, but was failing miserably.

"Fuck! Does it hurt?" Gemini asked, hurriedly helping Fourth from the floor to the couch.

"Gem... I am 8 months pregnant everything hurts." Fourth said breathing heavily, from catching his breath from the extraneous activity of getting of the floor but mainly because he was trying to control the pain of the contractions.

"I know love and I am sorry. However I am asking if you are having contractions like pain." Gemini replied, he was still calm but a little alarmed.

"Oh those... yeah since earlier morning. That's why I had to get oreos." Fourth replied breathing heavily, slowly adjusting his position on the couch.

"Fuck it Fourth why didn't you say anything?" Gemini said with his voice unintentionally raised.

"Why are you yelling at me?" Fourth replied, with tears welled up in his eyes once again.

The pout on his lips made him look super adorable, tugging at his husband's heart strings. Gemini couldn't resist Fourth when he looked that adorable.

"I am sorry for yelling. I didn't mean to baby. Are you having contractions now?" Gemini asked, removing the hair curtaining the younger's face and tucking it behind his ear.

"Yeah... my back feels like it's breaking in two." Fourth replied his breathing uneven and heavy.

"Fuck! Fuck! Okay stay calm okay." Gemini said panicked.

"Gemini... I am calm. I am just in a lot of pain and all I want is some oreos." Fourth replied in between his breaths. He was much calmer in comparison to Gemini.

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