chapter 13: grieving.

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Gemini came out of the room into the waiting room where his friends and family gathered around him, but it was like everything was moving at a really slow pace. He couldn't breathe, there was this tightness around his forehead. There was this hollowness in his stomach, maybe it was nausea.

"Gemini! What's wrong? How is Fourth?" His mother asked.

"Son how is Fourth? How are the twins?" His father asked.

"Gemini? How is Fourth? How is my son?" Fourth's mother asked.

Gemini however couldn't respond, there was this huge lump on his throat that prevented him from saying anything, rendering him voiceless. Even if he could say something, what would he say? He wasn't even sure what was happening.

One minute Fourth was fine, he told him to go with their babies and the next minute his body was limp and lifeless. He shouldn't have left his side, he should've stayed by Fourth's side.

There was a roaring in Gemini's ears and he lost track of what everyone around him was saying. He believed that it was probably a physical manifestation of grief.



No! It can't be grief because Fourth wasn't dead. Fourth couldn't die, he couldn't die and leave him alone. Not when they just had their babies. Their babies were so young and they need Fourth, he needs Fourth.

"Gemini?" Phuwin said softly seeing tears escape the boy's eyes.

"What's wrong?" Phuwin asked holding Gemini by his shoulders. 

Gemini felt physically sick, he was about to throw up. His stomach was in knots and was churning. His vision was blurry, because of all the tears streaming down his face.

"No! No! Where's Fourth? Where's my son? Where's my baby?" Fourth's mother said frantically, Fourth's father held her in his arms trying to comfort him. He had tears swelled up in his eyes.

The blackness was wrapping itself around Gemini's eyes now, plugging his nose and overwhelming his mouth. He was gasping for breath and not getting it. It was suffocating him. It was killing him.

"Gemini... calm down breath okay." Phuwin said seeing the boy hyperventilate. He decided to remove Gemini from this situation, everyone was clearly overwhelming him. Phuwin could see something was wrong but prayed to God and the heavens that Fourth was okay, although he wasn't really the religious type.

They ended up at a chapel. It was strange because neither of them were religious but they ended up there. Perhaps it was subconscious or maybe because the chapel was the quietest place at that wing of the hospital.

They both sat in silence, Phuwin held Gemini's hand slightly caressing it with his thumb. He didn't know what to say to comfort Gemini who was quietly sobbing. Phuwin didn't know what was happening, he didn't know if something happened to Fourth or the twins. Maybe something happened to all three of them.

Gemini rested his head on Phuwin's shoulder and they sat there in silence for what felt like hours. Neither of them said anything.

"I am going to get you something to eat na." Phuwin said, realizing it had been hours since they both ate anything. He believed Gemini needed to eat something to keep his strength up.

"Okay hia." Gemini said softly in a low husky voice, the first thing that Gemini said that evening.

"Stay here na." Phuwin said and Gemini slightly nodded.

Gemini sat there, numb, mind blank. It was like his body had shut itself down to protect him from all the pain and fear he was experiencing.

Someone approached him and sat beside him. "You seem to be burdened son." The person spoke.

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