chapter 3: Misunderstandings

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Ford finally caught up with Fourth, they decided to get some desserts and skip first day of classes and activities. They contacted Satang and they met up at a small café near their varsity.

Ford kept apologizing, although he feels like he did nothing wrong. Sure he didn't tell Fourth that Gemini was still in Thailand but it's not like Fourth asked. In fact Gemini was a name that was forbidden to be spoken around Fourth, Gemini was like Lord Voldermort, he who shall not be named.

They had strawberry cheesecake, chocolate mousse cake and chocolate mud cake. The desserts made Fourth feel a bit better so he forgave his friends, he was going to forgive them anyways he just wanted to sulk a bit.

Ford and Satang still treated Fourth as their precious baby. Somethings never change.

They decided to go to the movies, and wanted to have dinner together but Phuwin kept blowing up Fourth's phone. So he had to go to home before Phuwin sent the SWAT team to look for him.

"Phi... P'Phuwin I am home." Fourth said as he took off his shoes.

"Fourth where have you been? Pond has been trying to call you all day." Phuwin complained making Fourth sigh softly.

"I am sorry phi, I just had a tough first day." Fourth said pouting. Phuwin approached Fourth and gave him a hug. 

"I am sorry baby. Come let's have dinner, I made your favourate. Go freshen up quickly na." Phuwin said patting Fourth on the back.

Fourth hurried upstairs to his room to take a quick shower and wear some comfortable clothing. He was feeling much better after the shower, the weight and negativity seemed to have been washed away during the shower.

When Fourth reached the dining room he noticed that Phuwin had set up plates for 3 people and as far as he knew it was only the two of them so who was the 3rd plate for?

Just as he was about to ask Phuwin about the extra plate his brother showed up from the kitchen holding some side dishes.

"Hia!" Fourth said as he jumped on to Pond, thank goodness for Pond's fast reflexes or otherwise there would be side dishes all over the dining room floor.

Clinging on to his brother Fourth asked "when did you come? I thought you were only coming back next week."

"That's why I kept calling you the whole day." Phuwin said shaking his head.

Fourth still in Pond's arms and said "I am sorry hia, I am sorry P'Phuwin. I went to the movies with my friends so I didn't see the phone."

Phuwin ruffled his hair and said "It's okay fotfot. Now Pond put Fourth down so we can eat."

Both the brothers chuckled awkwardly remembering the position they were in. Pond quickly put Fourth down and they sat down to eat. They had a great conversation but Fourth avoided the whole Gemini topic, he didn't want the two most overprotective people he knew to know about this because they would want to get involved.

The next day Pond drove Fourth to varsity. He was only starting with work the following week so he didn't have much to do and wanted to spend time with his brothers and boyfriend.

"Remember we are having lunch with Dunk later on." Pond said as Fourth climbed out of the car. "Okay hia." Fourth responded. 

"Okay. Enjoy your day. I love you." Pond said. Fourth looked around and said softly "Okay hia, see you later."

"I said I love you! You have to say it back!" Pond said out loud. He always wanted to do this, you know tease your child when you drop them off at school. So teasing his brother was equally rewarding.

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