chapter 17: The date

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"Let's go home, your mom will probably bring the twins back soon." Fourth said.

"About that... my mom is keeping the twins tonight." Gemini said with a sheepish smile.

"What? Gem why didn't you tell me?" Fourth said with brows furrowed in frustration.

"I am sorry love... I knew if I told you, you would've said no." Gemini tried to reason with his sunflower.

"With good reason. The twins have never had a sleepover before." Fourth said seeming a bit angry.

"Love, relax. I promise my mom will take good care of them. I just wanted to take you on a date tonight." Gemini said holding Fourth by his shoulders, tabbing them slightly to calm him down.

"A date?" Fourth asked, now calmer than he was a few seconds ago.

"Yes love." Gemini said smiling and nodding.

"Oh." Fourth said feeling a bit embarrassed, his ears turned red with his face flushed.

"So cute." Gemini said with a chuckle seeing Fourth's flushed face.

After much reluctance Gemini drove Fourth to one of his favourate restaurants, he had made a reservation while waiting for Fourth during his session.

When they got there, Gemini led Fourth to a small table of the quiet restaurant. It was a late hour for dinner, most of the tables were empty. Gemini pulled out Fourth's chair and the boy mouthed a 'thank you' as he took a sit.

Gemini sat across from Fourth with a wide smile on his face. The only light was from a few well placed candles. A waiter approached and, without saying a word, poured them wine and left the bottle without taking their orders or leaving a menu. Gemini had ordered for them in advance. He didn't want any interruptions from wait staff aside from the bringing and clearing of the courses.

Gemini watched as Fourth sipped the wine. Fourth noticed and blushed as a shy smile slipped out. Gemini loved watching Fourth, he was like a voyeur looking into a secret world.

Fourth enjoyed Gemini's gaze, soaked it in. Fourth felt Gemini's eyes move over him. From his eyes to his nose, cheeks, lips, the curve of his neck, and the slope of his shoulders. And again, Fourth blushed and this time, so did Gemini.

They barely noticed the waiter as he placed the first course between them. It was a simple plate of fruit and cheese. Gemini watched Fourth as he ate, calmly bringing each morsel to his cherry blossom shaped lips. Gemini marveled at the pleasure Fourth took from each bite. Fourth's face  was amazingly expressive. Every bite was as if he was tasting for the first time.

"Are you enjoying the fruits?" Gemini asked and Fourth nodded making Gemini smile even wider.

Fourth gazed at Gemini over his glass as he sipped his wine. Fourth somehow knew that Gemini was watching him. Fourth slipped a grape between his lips, smilling coyly as his teeth crushed the skin, exploding the juices into his mouth.

Knowing that Gemini was watching him he reached for a strawberry. He was feeling very flirty, it could be because he hadn't really spent time alone with Gemini in a long time or maybe the wine was going to his head by now.

Gemini deliberately snatched it just as Fourth's fingertip touched the ripened fruit. He grinned as he took a large bite, teasing the boy.

"Gem!!" Fourth said as he offered him his most convincing pout. Gemini smiled affectionately and fed him the rest of the ripened fruit.

They continued on refilling their wine glasses and eating slowly. Just enough to keep the wine from going to their heads.

It was as if the time stood still, stopping just for them. The tension between them was electric, it could be felt that something surreal was happening at their table. To them, it was completely natural, existing at that moment in their own universe.

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