chapter 28: A new member

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So, the mission get pregnant didn't go as planned. After almost a year and a half of actively trying to get pregnant, nothing happened. It was disappointing everytime he took a pregnancy test, and the results came back negative. According to what he had been told, his last two pregnancies were instantaneous. He didn't need to try to get pregnant, but with this one pregnancy he so desperately wanted. Nothing happened.

So after a thousand pregnancy tests (okay, maybe a thousand is an exaggeration, but cut him some slack) him and Gemini decided to stop actively trying to get pregnant. If it happened it happened.

Besides, there was only so much herbal tea and vegetables he could eat before he photosynthesized. He was also happy, blessed with three beautiful and talented kiss, a loving husband, his amazing job and their cat pet, buttercup.

The cat was Gemini's idea once they moved to a much bigger house in a gated community. Gemini felt it essential that the kids have a pet. They could have gone with a dog but Gemini was allergic. It wasn't because Fourth had an insane fear of dogs - because he wasn't- he honest-to-god was not afraid of dogs.

So his life was pretty great despite the disappointment he face for an entire year before he decided to stop trying 6 months ago.

Fatherhood wasn't easy, especially if you were raising genius menaces who just had to participate in almost every extracurricular one they could get their hands. He blamed Gemini for this one particular problem, their kids were just as energetic as Gemini used to be. Except for Arthit, who is always calm in the mist of the chaos, his brother and sister constant bickering.

Arthit, like his older siblings, loved music, except he played the zither and harp, which convinced Fourth that Arthit was indeed a fallen angel disguised as his youngest son. How else could he explain the way carried himself, always composed and ethereal looking. He was 8 years old and as far as Fourth knew, no 8 year old-in the history of 8 year old carried themselves the way Arthit did proving hia point.

Arthit was a fallen angel.

The twins had fallen sick with some stomach virus that was going around, and it was messy, Gemini was away on some conference so Fourth had to deal with everything by himself. He sent Arthit to stay with his parents so as to not catch the virus.

When Gemini came back it was Fourth's turn to get sick and it was awful. Fourth was never a good patient, hence why he hated being sick. Gemini's parents were gracious enough to allow the kids to stay with them a while Fourth recuperated.

However it was the second week since Fourth caught the virus and he was getting any better. He lived off liquids, mostly soup and tea because forbid him from drinking sports drinks. But still he felt like he was getting weaker, sure he didn't have fever or the diarrhea that came with the stomach virus but he did have a lot of vomiting.

It would get so bad that he would end up heaving in the toilet bowl at the early hours of every morning. Some days it would get so bad he was thinking of just taking permanent residency in his bathroom. He would get a mattress and maybe set up his laptop and the bathroom would just becone his new office.

"Baby..." Gemini said as he entered the bathroom, his voice hoarse and laced with the effect of sleep.

Fourth was lying down on the bathroom floor allowing the cold bathroom tiles to soothe him, to ground him. He had been throwing up so much he truly believed he might be suffering from malnutrition because whatever he ate didn't stay long enough in his stomach to be digested.

"Leave me to die Gem..." Fourth answered softly, his eyes tightly shut. He was just too tired and his body was giving up on him-

Gemini doesn't leave him to die on the cold bathroom floor, instead he picks him up like he is some sort of damsel in distress- in this case it is kind of acceptable description. After Gemini puts him on their bed he brings him a glass of ice cold water and some nausea tablets.

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