chapter 8: Pregnancy reveal

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Pond came to see Fourth with First and Khaotung. They needed to tell him about his condition, explain his options so he can make an informed decision. Although Pond had a clue what his brother was going to choose based off his personality alone.

"Hey Fotfot." Pond said as he ruffled his little brother's hair.

"Hia." Fourth whined as he fixed his hair.

"This is Dr Thanawat, the doctor who has been in charge of your case." Pond said as he gestured at Khaotung and Fourth bowed his head slightly to wai at Khaotung. 

"This is Professor Kanaphan, one of the specialists in charge of your case and Dr Thanawat's husband." Pond said gesturing at First and Fourth did the same action as he did with Khaotung.

"Hia why do we need a specialist? Is it serious? OMG it's cancer isn't it? I should've known it. It makes sense now. I am going to die." Fourth said frantically.

"No No Fourth calm down it's not cancer." Pond said grabbing Fourth by the shoulders.

"It's not cancer but it's something serious?" Fourth asked and Pond nodded.

"I have giant worms in my stomach isn't it? I knew I shouldn't have eaten sushi at that strange place, but Satang convinced me. Now I have giant parasites consuming me from the inside. This is how I die." Fourth said almost close to tears.

"Wait you had Sushi at a strange place? How many times have I told you not to eat at strange places. If a place looks like a health code violoation you don't eat there." Pond said with his scolding voice.

"Hia, I really don't think this is the time for you to be scolding me about my eating habits while I have gigantic parasitic worms eating me alive." Fourth said.

"Okay first of all you don't have parasites eating you alive." Pond said.

"Well technically when you think about it, he kind of does." First said.

"Shia! I have parasites in my stomach, it makes sense what that feeling in my stomach was. It was worms." Fourth said with tears threatening to fall.

"First, see what you did now?" Khaotung scolded First.

"Well kitten when you think about it a fetus is like a parasite, it feeds off the host to survive i.e Fourth. Without Fourth the chances of that fetus surviving are none. Basically making it a parasite" First said and caused a whole new wave of panic in Fourth.

"Fetus? Wait the parasite is a fetus? A fetus as in a baby?" Fourth asked and Pond nodded while Khaotung looked at his husband disapprovingly. This is not how they planned to let the boy know about his pregnancy.

"Is it a human baby?" Fourth asked and the three medical professionals looked at him with confused expressions.

"Well we surely hope so. What else could it be? An alien? Maybe it came and implanted itself in your stomach and used you as a host." First said earning himself a slap on the head from his husband.

"Hia I have an alien growing inside of me? This isn't how I planned on dying. Gemini and I only have been dating for almost 4 months and I have only had sex once in my life and I don't even remember it. Now I am going to die technically still a virgin right? Because it doesn't count if I was drunk." Fourth started rambling and First couldn't help but laugh earning himself another slap on the head.

"Wait you had sex drunk? With Gemini? I am going to kill him." Pond said sternly.

"Hia would you focus on what's important here. I have an alien growing inside me that will probably rip my insides out. That should take precedence over me having drunk sex with Gemini " Fourth said and First couldn't hold in his laughter anymore.

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