chapter 29: Birth of Aroon

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Pregnancy is great, the nausea and vomiting subsided, his skin is glowing, and his hair has never been richer and luxurious. So pregnancy overall is treating him great. Everyone is also so gentle and caring towards him. Even little Arthit has been extra considerate.

The other day, Arthit gave him peeled apples and said something along the lines off;

"Father, I peeled apples for you. Proper nutrition is vital during pregnancy."

That was the cutest thing Fourth has ever heard, and he ended up giving Arthit a million kisses all over his face

Aree and Amree have been equally as cute. They organised something called 'spa Wednesday' where they basically give him pedicures because Fourth can't reach his feet anymore with his 6-month-old belly. So between Arthit healthy snacks and free weekly pedicures, pregnancy is going pretty well for Fourth.

It also seems like Arthit had been telling people that he receives a million cheek kisses everytime he gives Fourth one of his healthy snacks because now everyone is doing something extra special just to get the million cheek kisses.

For instance, his husband got him this really cute cashmere sweater with a bunny on it. For that alone, he got a million and one kisses. 

Fourth was going for his 6th or is it 7th month appointment, he wasn't sure because professor Kanaphan kept counting his pregnancy with something called 'gestational weeks', so according to the professor he was 32 weeks gestational age, meaning 6 more weeks before he gets a cesarean section and delivers a healthy baby boy.

So pregnancy was going great. He was scared about the whole delivery process (to be fair, he was told he almost died delivering Aree and Amree, so his fear was justified okay?)

"Are you ready? I have everything all packed out. If this one is anything like the other three, he might come any day now." Gemini said while giving Fourth a foot massage. The kids were staying over at Pond and Phuwin for the week.

"I feel like I have been pregnant forever, and I kind of miss sex without being out of breath." Fourth replied, receiving a gentle squeeze of his ankle by his husband.

Fourth, couldn't deny the fact that he was terrified, knowing you have been through this whole labour thing. Having scars to prove it yet having no recollection of any of it didn't make the anticipation any much easier.

It was winter now, just 2 more weeks before his elective C/section. Dr Khaotung had said the baby is doing good, better than good, and the whole delivery process should be a breeze, but Fourth still had this hidden fear about this whole thing.

Also, he was tired of being pregnant and missed seeing his feet. Although his feet felt heavy and would heat up even on a winter's night. His blood pressure was controlled, thank goodness, so there wasn't a chance of pre-eclampsia this time around. Not that he remembered the last time around, but apparently, it wasn't pretty.

The next morning was cold and sleety, and Fourth's back ached; he wished for the heat of summer to return. He staggered when he walked, and it didn’t seem worthwhile to make coffee. His husband and brother would probably chew his head off if he did. (Gently, of course, because they wouldn't dare make him cry). He drank water and stared at the icy spicules sliding down the window glass.

Around midmorning, the backache increased, working itself into a slow rhythm. It dawned on him very slowly that the baby was not waiting until September, that he was too impatient to wait the last 2 weeks of his gestation.

By afternoon, the backache was an encircling python, and he could do nothing but pant and whimper, the steady rattle of rain dampening his moaning call for succour. He wriggled out of his pyjamas and put on the new silk nightgown Gemini bought him recently. It was much more comfortable and less restricting than the pyjamas or his sweatpants.

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