chapter 24: life turned upside down

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"Well you are married!" Phuwin said, walking in to the room.

"Hey baby. I missed you." Phuwin said with a smile and kissed Fourth's forehead.

Fourth was stunned, he didn't really remember Phuwin. According to his memories he had never met the older. So it came as a surprise that this incredibly good looking person not only missed him but called him baby and kissed his forehead.

He also noticed that the older had an uncanny resemblance to Gemini, but from what he knew Gemini was the only child so who was this man?

"Sorry phi... I-"

"Oh that's right Pond did mention that you have amnesia." Phuwin said caressing Fourth's head.

"Hia Pond is here? In Thailand? " Fourth asked, from the story his bestfriends told him they skipped some details.

"Yes he visited you almost everyday after your accident, but however he is away with work. He will be coming back later today, he will be thrilled to see you back at home." Phuwin replied, Fourth was still stunned at this incredibly beautiful person who was speaking with him so softly.

"Home?" Fourth asked, a bit puzzled.

"Yes. Didn't Gemini tell you? You are being discharged today. I am here to pick you up." Phuwin replied.

"Sorry phi but why are you picking me up and not my mom or dad?" Fourth asked with knotted eyebrows.

"Because you live with us silly. Besides your mom is babysitting the twins, so we don't want to mess with their schedule." Phuwin replied.

"I live with you?" Fourth asked again, the more information he got the more it felt like his world was turned upside down.

"Oho!" Phuwin said with a smile, pinching Fourth's cheeks.

"You live with us, me, your brother, Gemini, the twins and Arthit." Phuwin added.

"I am sorry phi for all the questions." Fourth said and turned to look at his friends with questioning eyes.

"It's okay Fotfot, I am more than happy to answer all your questions. You're my favorite nong after all." Phuwin replied squeezing Fourth's cheeks again, he always liked doing that because he always found the younger so cute that he couldn't resist but squeeze him.

"Phi how do I know you?" Fourth asked, it was rather an important question because it seemed like not only did he live with this good-looking man but he happens to be his favorite nong.

"I am your brother in-law and technically your uncle since you are married to my nephew." Phuwin replied with a chuckle.

"So you are hia Pond's partner and Gemini's uncle?" Fourth asked and Phuwin nodded happily.

"He is also P'Joong's uncle." Ford added.

"Who is P'Joong?" Fourth asked even more confused now.

"P'Dunk's boyfriend." Ford replied and Fourth's eyes widened and mouth left agape.

"P'Dunk has a boyfriend? Who in their right mind would date him?" Fourth said and the others laughed, he realised that he might have said his thoughts out loud.

"Wait! If you are Gemini's uncle and P'Dunk's boyfriend-"

"P'Joong." Ford said cutting Fourth off.

"Right P'Joong. So if you are their uncle does that mean they are cousins?" Fourth asked, his head was starting to throb again.

Did he die and wake up in a Lakorn?

[A/N: A lakorn is a Thai television soap opera]

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