chapter 7: To be or not to be?

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Fourth has been in the hospital for almost a week now, he was feeling much better and no longer in pain. He was on IV fluids and he was getting IV anesthetics and antiemitics for the pain and nausea.

He was actually able to eat a full meal without vomiting or feeling nauseated afterwards, in fact he was hungrier than usual and had all kinds of food cravings. He had begged his brother to convince the doctor in charge of his case to discharge him but Pond kept saying they still had more tests to do and they have to monitor his condition a bit longer. 

He didn't understand what they need to monitor since nobody really told him anything. Fourth wasn't dumb, he knew his condition was more than just food poisoning. Pond wouldn't be this worried if it was just food poisoning. 

Fourth was so bored being at the hospital, although he was in the VIP section and the nurses really tried to make him comfortable it wasn't the same as being at home, on his own bed. He missed the scent of his room, and his stuffed toys.

If being home sick wasn't bad enough, every morning a phlebotomist would come to draw some of his blood. How many more tests should he endure before someone told him what was going on with him.

On this particular day Satang, Winny, Mark, Ford and Gemini came to visit. He was really excited to see his friends, his brother had been refusing for him to get any visitors. So he was happy that finally his brother came to his senses and allowed his friends and boyfriend to come visit him in this God forsaken place.

"FotFot." Ford said as he hugged Fourth tightly, joined by Satang. "We missed you so much." Satang said as they hugged.

"It's fine guys, as you all can see I am fine. I am not dying anytime soon." Fourth said giggling.

"But he will die if you guys don't let him go." Gemini said as he grabbed the two and removed them away from his baby.

"How are you baby?" He said as he wrapped his arm around Fourth and sat next to him on the bed. He spoke with Fourth using his softest voice his deep baritone voice can muster.

"I am fine baby." Fourth replied with a smile. One thing he did appreciate about being sick was that he was able to see Gemini everyday, since he was the only one that Pond didn't ban from visiting. Gemini had been so sweet, he would buy Fourth his favorite brand of chocolate, flowers or Fourth's favourate snacks everytime he came for a visit.

"Baby? Ugh you guys are so in love it's disgusting." Winny said and everyone looked at him.

"Yeah and what about you pumpkin?" Mark said to Winny and the others laughed.

"If I were you two I wouldn't be laughing." Winny said pointing at Mark and Ford making the two to stop laughing immediately. They did after all call each other 'munchkin' so they were in no position to tease anyone.

"Ah ah calm down pumpkin." Satang said pinching Winny's cheeks.

"Tang! Not infront of them. They are going to make fun of me." Winny whined.

"Oho narak." Mark said earning himself a glare from Winny. He mouthed 'sorry' because Winny was kind of scary sometimes. He was like a kitten with a temper of a ferocious tiger.

"How long are you going to be here for?" Ford asked.

"I don't know. Nobody is really telling me anything except that they still need to do more tests." Fourth said with his head laid on Gemini's shoulder. The two had been extra clingy with each other lately, especially Fourth, he somehow craved Gemini's scent. The other day Gemini had to leave his hoodie with Fourth so his scent remains with the boy. He didn't understand it, but it still made him happy seeing his baby happy.

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