chapter 11

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Fourth was now 30 weeks pregnant and since he was carrying twins he was bigger, almost looked like he was due any minute. With the increased weight that he had to carry, being forced to stay in bed the whole day and do nothing made him very irritable.

He would get angry easily and if you are unlucky that day you will be at the receiving end of his fury. He had a lot of cravings that he couldn't get fulfilled because of his health problems. He had to be on a strict diet, he understood that but all he wanted was a donut.

Unfortunately for Gemini he was the one most of the time on the receiving end of Fourth's mood swings. Fourth would yell at him the one moment, become clingy the next moment and then chase him away because all of his life problems were Gemini's fault.

Gemini was not only exhausted but also kind of scared that maybe Fourth didn't love him anymore. His logical side knew that wasn't true and it was just Fourth's moodswings but the other side of him wanted reassurance from the other.

On this particular day Gemini came home from uni only to find his mother there, apparently she came to visit Fourth.

"Hello Mom." Gemini said and threw himself down on the couch.

"Hello honey." His mother responded.

Gemini looked around and saw no sign of Fourth, usually when people would visit him he preferred staying in the living room since he spent too much time on his bed anyways.

"Where's Fourth?" Gemini asked.

"He is sleeping. Poor thing gets tired easily these days." His mother replied.

"Okay." Gemini said softly. His mother couldn't help but notice that his mood was low.

"What's wrong Gem?" His mother asked concerned.

Gemini kept silent for a while before he replied. "I think Fourth hates me."

"Don't be ridiculous, he absolutely adores you. You should see how his eyes light up when he talks about you." Gemini's mother replied honestly, whenever Fourth would talk about Gemini, his eyes would sparkle and his smile would grow wider and brighter.

"He is always yelling at me or crying. Sometimes I don't know what to do mom. It's exhausting." Gemini said with a sigh.

"Imagine how he feels." His mother replied.

"What do you mean?" Gemini asked with knotted eyebrows.

"He is the one carrying the children, his body is changing and fast. He is now experiencing back pain, Braxton hicks contraction, and they can be really painful. His chest area is probably very sensitive, his hormones are fluctuating making his mood to also fluctuate." His mother explained.

"I get that mom. I do really but I just don't get why he can be so nice and cute with everyone else. Yet with me he is so aggressive and looks at me like he wants to kill me." Gemini replied.

"Because you are his safe space Gem. You see when he is with others he has to keep up a facade, be friendly and nice even when he feels terrible he really doesn't want to burden them. Just talk to him and bear with him okay son. This whole pregnancy is not easy for him." His mother explained.

Gemini kept quiet processing what his mother was saying.

"Pregnancy is not easy. I should know that, and my pregnancy was not as bad as his. One thing could go wrong and he could literally lose the babies or worse he could die. Do you realize the amount of fear he lives with?" His mother added making Gemini feel terrible.

He understood that Fourth's pregnancy is putting his life at risk, yet he is always putting on a brave face. Not even once has he ever voiced his fears, he didn't even think about the psychological torture he has been going through the past couple of months.

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