Chapter 2: we meet again

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Fourth adapted quick in London, having to switch from speaking Thai only to speaking English almost all the time was quite hard at first but he managed. He made a few friends but none of them were like Ford and Satang, those two were his twin flames. So sometimes he would feel quite lonely.

For the first year it was quite lonely since his brother worked most of the time, you know Doctors and their insane schedules. However the following year when his brother got a boyfriend who happens to be Thai life wasn't so lonely anymore for Fourth. He had someone who he could converse with in his native language.

Phuwin was a model and singer, very popular in London. How him and his brother got together was a mystery to Fourth. Phuwin spoiled Fourth, treated him like his little baby. Whenever Fourth was free he would take him along to his photoshoots or gigs so that Fourth won't stay at home alone.

Phuwin did mention he had relatives in Thailand but he has lived in London for half of his life so he hasn't seen them for a long time. He didn't go into details when talking about his family, so Fourth didn't inquire further.

Fourth had just graduated from high school finally! As much as he had grown to love London, he was excited to go back to Thailand. He missed his parents, his brother, his bestfriends and just the overall environment.

He had been accepted to study Law in Chulalongkorn University, which was very exciting because his two bestfriends were there as well although not in the same faculty as his but at least they were in the same university.

His brother Dunk was doing his third year in Chula as well so that was something to look forward to. Although he knew his brother won't have much time for him since he had to juggle school, an internship plus he had a boyfriend now, but Fourth hoped he would spare a little time for him.

Fourth wasn't returning to Thailand alone though. Phuwin was offered a 5 year contract with GMMTV and was cast in 2 series already so he will be returning with him. His brother Pond will also be returning with them as well, he couldn't stay behind when the live if his life and precious brother were leaving. He was just coming 2 weeks after them.

Fourth was going to live with his brother Pond at his house, although his parents were not on board with the idea at first but he managed to convince them that the house was big enough for all 3 of them and it was closer to the university.  To further pursued them he promised to come home every second weekend and all holidays. 

If you couldn't already tell, his parents had a difficult denying his requests.

As soon as Fourth arrived at Thailand his parents were waiting for him at the airport. They insisted that him and Phuwin stay over for the night. Fourth's father was looking forward to spending more time with Phuwin, he felt maybe he will get to know more about his eldest son from his boyfriend.

Although he did get along with his eldest son, but ever since the passing of his mother he grew a bit distant so they never actually got to bond. He was just happy that all his three sons got along pretty well.

Phuwin spent the night in Dunk's room because Dunk was now living with his boyfriend at a Condo near the university.  fourth wondered if he had a girlfriend or boyfriend would their parents agree for him to move in with them.

The next day his mother helped him and Phuwin move into Pond's house, which was quite beautiful. Fourth's room was spacious with a king size bed and his own bathroom plus the view from his room was amazing. It was fully furnished and the decor was to his liking. His brother really went all out for him.

Not only that but his brother got him a car, he didn't want him struggling getting around and definitely didn't want him using public transport.

If you think Fourth's parents were overprotective then you haven't met Pond yet. The guy not only spoiled his little brother rotten but he was overprotective, one of the major reasons why Fourth never got to date anyone when he was in London. Pond would scare anyone who would show interest in Fourth.

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