chapter 16: The journey to healing

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"Baby." Gemini whispered into Fourth's ear who was sleeping peacefully for the first time in a long time.

After the heart to heart talk Gemini and Fourth had the previous night, Gemini gave Fourth some sleeping pills so that he can be able to sleep and rest his mind.

"Mmmmh" Fourth groaned pushing Gemini away with his eyes still closed.

"Fotfot, wake up love. It's time for breakfast." Gemini said softly caressing Fourth's head.

"Five more minutes." Fourth mumbled turning around.

"No come on lazy bones. You have to shower, or we are going to be late." Gemini said grabbing Fourth's arm trying to pull him up, but Fourth has always have been the stronger one between the two so he tugged Gemini forward and he fell on top of him.

"Cuddles first." Fourth bargained while rubbing his head on Gemini's chest like a kitten.

Gemini usually couldn't resist it when Fourth acted this cute, but today had to be an exception. Fourth had an appointment with a therapist referred to him by his psychiatrist.

Fourth did promise Gemini that he will try, so this was his way of trying. Maybe if he tried therapy and talking about how he was feeling he will be able to work them out. He knew it won't be as easy as it sounds but he had Gemini there with him, every step of the way.

"As much as I would love to cuddle and stay in bed all day with you kitten, we can't. You have to meet up with Dr Pawat for your therapy session." Gemini said ruffling Fourth's hair making him groan.

"Okay fine I will wake up." Fourth said sitting up. Rubbing his eyes he asked " Where's Aree and Amree?"

"Mae picked them up, her and pa are on baby sitting duty today." Gemini replied and Fourth hummed.

"Get up and shower. I'll prepare breakfast so long." Gemini said and kissed Fourth's forehead.

Fourth woke up to shower, it was such a relaxing shower because during the shower he wasn't thinking about hurrying up to finish because the twins might need him. After the shower he realised that Gemini had set up his clothes on the bed already, this sweet gesture made him smile. Gemini was really taking good care of him.

On the other hand Gemini prepared pancakes, a fruit salad with some freshly squeezed juice for breakfast. He wanted to prepare something to Fourth's liking, he knew that today was going to be a tough day for Fourth.

It was the first time since his return from the hospital Fourth was going to be away from the twins, so he knew Fourth might be going through separation anxiety. He was going to try to make Fourth's day much easier, starting with breakfast.

"Something smells great!" Fourth said as he walked in the kitchen, he was rather cheerful as compared to other days.

"I made pancakes, I know how much you like them." Gemini said setting the table.

"Thank you teerak." Fourth said wrapping his arms around Gemini's waist, giving the taller a back hug and kissed the nape of his neck.

"Anything for you." Gemini replied placing his hand on Fourth's arm that were tightly wrapped around his waist.

They sat down and enjoyed their breakfast, Fourth kept smiling. He was nervous about the appointment but he tried to stay calm and positive.

"You look so pretty today." Gemini said looking at Fourth with loving eyes. He missed Fourth's genuine smile, the type were his eyes turned a crescent moon-like shape that made it seem like his eyes were smile and his face lit up.

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