chapter 26: The first "not really" first time

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Gemini and Fourth decided to go on a little trip with their friends seeing it was semester break. They also never got to celebrate Fourth's birthday properly. Although Fourth was reluctant to go at first as he didn't want to depart from his babies, sure he didn't remember being pregnant or even birthing them but getting into the role of a parent came easier to him than he thought.

It also did help that his babies were so cute he could combust.

His brothers and parents encouraged him to go, it would only be for the weekend so he agreed. He would only be gone for three days only before he is reunited with his babies again, so he would survive it.

The first night at Pattaya was amazing, they had the most delicious Thai delicacies. They didn't drink that much or at least Fourth didn't, he wanted to stay sober and take all this in. He wanted to remember every little thing since he couldn't remember all the precious moments he shared with his loved ones.

Gemini was slightly tipsy, and a tipsy Gemini was a clingy Gemini. Fourth loved it, being wrapped up in his lover's arms receiving cheek kisses.

When it was a little after midnight they decided to head back to their hotel since they planned a long list of activities to do the following day. They got 3 different taxis to drive them back, 1 taxi for each couple.

During the taxi ride home Gemini couldn't keep his hands to himself, not when Fourth looked the way he did, and everytime Gemini would give the younger pecks on the cheek he would inhale his scent and it drove him crazy.

Fourth himself was very receptive of Gemini's advances. He might not remember all the times he had been sexually intimate with Gemini, but he still remembered all the times he imagined himself with the older.

By the time they got to the hotel, the hallway was filled with the sounds of harsh breathing, little moans slipped through the silent night as the two males at the end of the hallway, desperately tried to enter their room whilst locking lips with each other.

The taller male groaned loudly and kicked the door impatiently, which to his amazement and joy swung open in defeat. The two bodies wrestled through the door frame, the taller slamming it shut with his foot, not caring about waking the other people in the hotel, his utmost attention on the smaller man wrapped around him. Without a thought Gemini slammed Fourth against the nearest wall, hoisting the smaller man higher around his waist.

Gemini groaned into Fourth's surprisingly dominant kiss, wanting nothing more than the glorious touch that he knew his lover would supply him with. Fourth smiled into the kiss, reaching a hand down in-between the two lovers bodies and firmly cupping the older through his black jeans. He was rewarded with a lustful moan, entering it's way into their passionate kiss.

Not wanting to tease Gemini, Fourth brought his hand up to the stiff button on Gemini's jeans, patiently teasing it out of the buttonhole. The taller jolted violently as a cold, slender hand snaked it's way into his tight jeans, slipping down under the elastic of his boxers and gripping his pulsing cock.

Fourth grinned as his lover moaned desperately and burrowed his handsome face into his neck, whimpering softly against the tendons and fragile skin there. Slowly but with purpose Fourth let his hand slide the length of Gemini and then back down, repeating this action multiple times until the taller was quivering and clinging onto him.

The two lovers clumsily took each other's clothes off, their lips barely leaving each other. Although it felt like Fourth's first time doing this, it felt natural. He wasn't nervous as he thought he might be, his body was choreographing his every movement. It was sort of a reflex, muscle memory.

Fourth shivered a little from the cold, night air hitting his body as he watched Gemini bring two fingers up to his thin lips. Gemini rubbed a fingertip teasingly along Fourth's bottom lip, watching it part as his breathing got choppier. Gemini gently slid the two digits into Fourth's warm, wet tavern of a mouth, swirling them around his tongue so he would get them as slick as possible.

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