Naughty Little Vixen.

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"Jasmine, Valentino, dinner time!"

Sighing, I reluctantly got up and pulled down my skirt which had ridden up a few inches when I was straddling Valentino's lap. After spending nearly twenty minutes outside in the cold air, I was ready to head inside and soak in a hot tub. After we've had our dinner of course. I hadn't eaten anything since that slice of banana bread at the cafè.

"We'd better head in now. I don't want you to catch a cold from being outside for so long," Valentino said as he rose off the chair and started walking towards the house with me in tow. When we entered I saw that the maids had already set dinner on the table. As soon as Valentino and I were seated, the meal commenced.

"So what did everyone do today?" Enzo asked, initiating dinner conversation. "Anything interesting?"
"Nothing much Dad. Just the usual same old same old," Felix sighed. "We caught a guy sellling drugs on Bedford Avenue today and had to kill him. Then the weapons we ordered were late in arriving at the warehouse due to a flat tire."
"That's too bad. And what about the rest of you?"

"I went to the library to study then I dropped in at the supermarket to pick up some ice cream sandwiches for Sabrina," I said as I took a sip of water. "I also helped a lady who dropped her bags outside the supermarket."
"That was nice of you. Did she say what her name was?"
"Her name is Victoria. She's a very nice woman. She said she flew into New York from France and came to visit her family."

"I hear France is quite lovely this time of year. I've always wanted to visit, preferably close to Christmas time," Riley said.
"I have a place in the south of France where I go for vacations. I'll take you sometime if you'd like Riley," Theodore offered.
"That sounds wonderful Theo."

I stole a glance between the two of them and hid a smile. For the past six months I've waited to see if either of them will make a move and ask the other out. Whenever Theodore came to visit, I could see this distant, longing look in Riley's eyes, almost as if she wanted to ask Theo out, but couldn't pluck up the courage to do so.

I'm sure if one of them were to just take the first step, they would make the most beautiful couple.

"So tell me, how's my caro nipotino doing? I trust everything is going well with Sabrina's pregnancy?" Dad asked, looking intently at Damen.
(Darling little grandchild)

"Yes Father. Lia said that the baby is perfectly fine and so is Sabrina. If we continue giving her all the right foods, making sure she exercises regularly and gets all the rest she needs, the rest of her gestation period will pass smoothly and without mishap," Damen stopped speaking a moment to gaze affectionately at his wife. "And if all goes well Father, you'll be going for morning walks with your grandson or granddaughter by January."
"Music to my ears," Dad said smilingly.

Dinnertime was very pleasant that evening and conversation flowed easily as everyone at the table chatted about their day. Once all the food was gone, the family dispersed and the maids came to clear the table. It was nearly eight o'clock and I was totally exhausted. After bidding everyone goodnight, I went up the stairs to my room, leaving Valentino to have a word with Dad.

Before going to the bathroom, I packed my school bag for classes tomorrow, double checking to make sure I had all my material before zipping the bag and setting it on the coffee table. Now in the bathroom, I closed the door halfway and turned on the faucet. After adjusting the water to the temperature I wanted, I stripped out of my clothes and stepping inside, making sure to tie up my hair so it wouldn't get wet.

I let out a sigh of relief as the hot water beat down on my body, feeling the slight ache in my back and shoulders dissipate almost instantly. Grabbing a bar of soap I started to thoroughly wash myself. Two or three minutes later, I heard Valentino's footsteps in the bedroom and heard his voice. "Jasmine where are you?"
"I'm in here Val," I called out.

𝐇𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐢𝐧𝐟𝐮𝐥 𝐎𝐛𝐬𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧.Where stories live. Discover now