A Cruise Down Memory Lane.

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I arrived home a bit later than expected, having to stop by my friend Jennifer's apartment to help her with a crisis. Fifteen minutes after leaving school, she called me in a panic and asked me to drop by her apartment. Her mother wasn't home and she desperately needed someone to watch her baby brother while she went out to run an errand.

I didn't mind. Jennifer was a good friend and if she needed it, I'd be happy to offer my assistance. I spent an hour and a half at her place and when she came back I drove on home. Arriving at the mansion I parked the car and stepped outside. Eager to get inside and see my beloved, I picked up my bag and laptop and went in.

Mom was sitting on the couch while chatting with Sabrina and Annalise, Felix was playing a game of Gin with Dean and the kids were doing their homework at the table.

"Hello my wonderful family, I'm back," I said enthusiastically.
"Hi honey, how was your day?" Mom patted the space next to her and I sat down. Carol was passing by so I asked her to take my bags upstairs to which she happily obliged.

"So is Valentino here?" I wanted to know.
"He, Damen and Dad are upstairs getting ready. They're leaving in some time to meet with a few business associates in New Jersey," Sabrina replied. "And I think Theodore's gonna be there too."
"Great. I just came home after being away for the majority of the day and he's leaving."

"Well he is the Don sweetheart, he has his responsibilities. I know you miss him during the day, but don't worry, when he gets back you'll have him all to yourself," Mom said teasingly.

I blushed and tucked a strand of hair behind my ear. I didn't want to seem like those clingy, insecure or possessive women who constantly needed to be around their boyfriends or husbands. I didn't mind the fact that Valentino was a busy man and that he had duties and obligations to fulfill. We all do.

I went to school from Monday to Friday and came home in the afternoons. Some days I go for study sessions at the library or out with my friends. Don't get me wrong, I loved going to school and spending time with my friends, but I also loved to be with my husband. I missed him on the daily and thought of him every second of every minute of every hour of every day.

There were times I'd be reading a literature book in class and Valentino's face would flash before my eyes. I'd then be compelled to call him, just to hear the sound of his voice. I loved him with all my heart. I'd do anything for him. And I know he felt the same way about me.

"So uh Jasmine, I was just wondering, did Evelyn mention me at all today" Dean inquired.
"No she didn't. But you have her number don't you?" I asked.
Dean sighed and leaned back in his seat. "I don't want to seem desperate or anything, like a middle schooler sitting by the phone waiting for their crush to call them."
"Well just be patient and wait for her to call son. She's going to college, she's busy," Enzo told him.

"She's also way too young for him," Felix snickered.
"No she's not!" Dean retorted. But then he stopped to think. "Jas do you have any idea how old Evelyn is?"
"She just turned nineteen in July," I said with a yawn.
"You see Felix? She's only seven years younger than I am."
"That may be, but I'm sure she's way more mature than you are."
"Why don't you shut the fuck up Felix?"
"Why don't you Dean?"

I rolled my eyes at their level of pettiness. They always say Andrès and I argue a lot but look at the two of them. I guess it really is a sibling thing because it's the exact same thing with Evelyn and Collette. If they're not calling each other names, they're arguing about whose turn it was to pay for lunch, and if not that, they're cursing each other's brains out in French.

Again, it must be a sibling thing.

"Alright people we're leaving," Damen announced as he, Dad and Valentino walked down the stairs wearing three piece suits. When Valentino saw me he came over and kissed me on my forehead. "We have to meet with some business associates so I'll see you later okay sweetheart?"
"Wait no! Take me with you. I haven't seen you all day," I said  grabbing his hand in a vice like grip.
"No can do babygirl, this is an important meeting, not a pleasure trip. Don't worry, we'll be back later."

𝐇𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐢𝐧𝐟𝐮𝐥 𝐎𝐛𝐬𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧.Where stories live. Discover now