You Are The Salt To My Wounds.

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"Mmm, I am loving this beef lasagna Jasmine. Thanks for bringing some for Evelyn and I. So considerate of you," Collette said as she took another forkful of her lasagna, a contented smile on her face.
"I agree. And the kale salad is so delicious," Evelyn added. "I usually don't eat kale but this...this is amazing!"
I smiled and drank some of my cranberry juice. "I'll be sure to tell Ria how much you two liked her cooking. She'll be thrilled."

The three of us giggled and continued eating while chatting in leisure like we usually did in our free time. As predicted the sky had grown darker and there was a light drizzle, indicating that there will be more rain later in the day. As soon as the three of us finished eating we packed up our stuff and left the cafe where we regularly came for lunch.

After stopping by the restroom to brush our hair and touch up our makeup we made our way to the lecture hall where we'll be having our next class: Computer Science with Professor Myron. There was still twenty minutes left until lunch was over but we liked to leave early so we could grab good seats.

"So how's the Biochemistry paper coming along? Did you girls get any research done?" I asked as I opened up my water bottle to take a sip.
"We managed to get some research done," Evelyn replied. "After school we'll be heading to the library to study. We would've done it at the house but Mother is having her friends over. And one of them has a five year old kid who's so damn loud."

"Don't forget troublesome," Collette grimaced. "The last time the little brat came to visit he dropped Evelyn's phone in a puddle of water and he used my English Lit essay as drawing paper. He's lucky he's a little child and not a teenager. Otherwise I'd have locked him in the basement and thrown the key in a well."
"My God Collette, he's only five," I told her.
"A five year old nuisance is what he is."

I shook my head. Back home I had a lot of cousins who were under seven years old, compliments of my Tia Rosa who was well known in our family as the baby making machine. All her kids were about two years apart with my eight year old cousin Nick being the oldest.

"Jas what are you doing later?" Evelyn asked. "If you aren't busy do you wanna come to the library to study with Collette and I?"
"Sorry girls I can't," I tell her as I lean back in my seat and stretch my arms above my head. "I don't spend enough time with my family, they miss me. Especially Valentino."

"Relatively speaking, how is your gorgeous hunk of Italian masculinity?"
"He's fine. We went out last night. He, Damen and Dad were meeting with some people to try to find a solution to the situation with the FBI. I've been meaning to tell you girls about that. Be sure to tell your father to be vigilant when you guys are on a job."

"Thanks for the heads up," Collette said. "Just this morning we were listening to the news and we heard that a drug dealer was arrested in Tribeca. They said his name is Jaime Hernandez."
"Yeah we know. He works for Theodore," I said regrettably. "Valentino is concerned. For our family and our friends. I'd absolutely hate to see any of our loved ones in jail."

Evelyn wrapped her arms around me and leaned her head on mine. "You don't have to worry Jas. We've got your back. Although we've only known each other for a short while we feel closer to you than any of our girl cousins."
"That's because we only have three," Collette snorted. "One is a three month old baby, the other is an agoraphobic nerd and the third is a downright nasty bitch who lives in the UK."

Hearing this I erupted in a bout of hysterical laughter, quite forgetting I was in a classroom full of strangers and not in my own home. But to be frank I could give less of a fuck.


"I'd like for that to be delivered no later than Saturday morning. I'll have my chefs store them in the cellar until we're ready for it. Yes. Thank you." I hung up the phone and Annalise checked wine off the list of things we needed to get for Sunday. It was Father's birthday and we were having a small get-together for him.

𝐇𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐢𝐧𝐟𝐮𝐥 𝐎𝐛𝐬𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧.Where stories live. Discover now