Tender Loving Care.

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🎵ℙ𝕝𝕒𝕪 𝕊𝕠𝕟𝕘🎵

A human has five senses: sight, sound, smell, taste and touch.

You see with your eyes, you hear with your ears, you smell with your nose, you taste with your tongue and you feel with your skin. But what happens if one of the five senses have been compromised? Don't you have to learn to use your other senses to get by? It's a similar situation with me.

Here I am, lying on my bed with my limbs restrained, unable to see a thing because of the tie covering my eyes. Fortunately I could use my other senses to guess exactly what this husband of mine was doing to me.

The first thing I felt was a sharp sting on my thighs. Judging by the leathery impact, I'm guessing a riding crop. Moments later I felt this ticklish sensation trailing up my leg. At first I thought it was the tendril of a flogger. But then I felt it again, this time on my stomach. It was long, soft and light as a...feather.

Ahh I see. Valentino was using the peacock feather.

"You're so beautiful amore mio. So utterly beautiful in every way," Valentino whispered as he trailed the feather further up my body all the way to my neck. I squirmed a little but didn't say a word. After about a minute of tickling me, he removed the feather. I then felt the bed dip with his weight as he hovered over me and pulled down my bra just a few inches below my breasts.

I let out a soft moan when he enclosed his mouth around one of my nipples and rolled the other between his fingers. He sucked, licked and gently nibbled on the sensitive bud, causing me to moan even louder and curl my toes, deeply aroused by the act. Once he was finished with one nipple, he moved on the other, giving both equal love and attention.

Raising his head, he kissed me briefly on my lips before getting up off the bed. I wanted to see what he was doing, but couldn't against the damn blockage on my eyes. Then suddenly I felt the familiar sting of the riding crop on my thigh once more.

The lash wasn't hard enough to hurt me, but it still left a sharp sting. The next few lashes were on my lower stomach, then my upper arms and the most sensitive area of my chest: my breasts. When the riding crop struck me there, I instinctively flinched away and my breathing increased slightly.

"Did that hurt?" he asked.
I shook my head no, immediately earning me a slap to my face. "Use. Your. Words."
"I'm sorry Sir. No that did not hurt."

He proceeded to hit me another, this one on my right breast. Then he did something totally unexpected. He spread my legs a few inches apart, pulled down my panties and hit directly on my pussy, causing me to arch my back and bite my lip. "Sir..."
"Did you like that baby?" he whispered in my ear.
"Very much Sir."
"Do you want more?"
"Yes. Give me more."
"Uh, uh, uh. Manners princess."
"I'm sorry. Please give me more Sir."

He hummed in approval and gave me another one. Then another, then another, then another, each one harder than the last until my pussy was literally on fire from the consecutive lashes. Dropping the riding crop on the floor he took two of his fingers and started to stroke me in slow, teasing motions until I was panting and moaning, straining with the effort of keep my orgasm at bay.

Then all of a sudden he stopped and moved away, giving me a chance to catch my breath and regain control of my arousal. Then just when I thought it couldn't get any worse, I heard it. A low buzzing sound-one I could identity without either seeing or feeling it. It was a vibrator.

"How I love seeing you in this state: bound, blindfolded, dripping wet and at my complete mercy," Valentino said smugly as he approached the bed with the vibrator in hand. "I would've liked to gag you, but I won't. No instead I want to listen to your moans, whimpers and cries as I tease, pleasure and fuck you shitless. I want to hear your begs, pleas and screams for me to fuck you harder. To punish you. To push you to the edge of your endurance."

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