Party Planning With A Side Of Rebellion.

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"Honestly I can't tell you how nice it is to be away from home," Emilia sank down on the couch next to Marcello with a glass of wine and leaned back against his arm. "Don't get me wrong, I love my kids and all, but Signore, abbi pietà, they run me ragged during the day. Especially Lily and Ivy."
(Lord have mercy)

"It's all part of the parenting package Emilia," Mom said with a laugh. "Babies and children make noise, give trouble and turn their parents' lives into a circus. But in the end when given the right amount of love, care and affection, they bring an abundance of sunshine into your life that you never knew you needed."

"And as they get older they give you grey hairs and high blood pressure," Dad put in. "Late night parties, rebelliousness, puppy love syndrome and the most popular of them all: the 'I know more than you period'. Thankfully my belt saved me from experiencing half of that when Valentino and Damen were growing up."
"Please Father. I don't need a stroll down memory lane right now," Damen groaned. "Especially with that damn belt."

"In the Caribbean, Asia, India and Nigeria, parents and corporal punishment go hand in hand," Theodore chuckled. "My childhood friend who lives in India says his mother would beat him with a slipper, a pot spoon, a belt or anything she had in her hand if he misbehaved. Once he made the mistake of cheating on an exam and his principal called his mother before he even left school. He couldn't sit down for two days when she was through with him. After that the poor bastard never did anything wrong again."

"While we're on the subject of kids, when is your little one due Sabrina?" Emilia asked with twinkling eyes.
"My gynecologist says I'm due in January. Approximately in the second week. I'm actually supposed to visit her next month for an ultrasound. I'm hoping this time we'll finally find out the baby's gender," Sabrina smiled and lightly tapped her stomach. "He's a bit camera shy. Everytime we do an ultrasound sound Lia can never quite get a proper glimpse of him. Or her."

"You'd better pray it's a boy," Marcello said. "If it's a girl poor Damen will have his work cut out for him. Especially if she takes after him."
"Have no fear, Jasmine's already given me a rundown of what to expect if the baby's a girl," Damen said confidently. "Right Jas?"

"Right Damen," I laughed. "I don't think you have anything to worry about. If a child is surrounded by good role models there's a likelihood he or she will adopt the same qualities. As long as nobody curses, fights or argues in front of him during his formative years, he should be alright."

"Now you guys know why I don't want you cursing in front of Ryan and Rachel," Annalise said. "Small children are like sponges. They absorb your every word like water and they copy what they see. That's why it's important to act responsibly and respectfully so they'll do the same as they get older."

"It'll be such a hassle," Felix sighed. "We can't have fun or horse around like we usually do when the baby gets here. We'd better start from now people."
"Yeah and I can't make any of my jokes too," Dean complained. "At least not any that are inappropriate."

"How would you know the difference between an appropriate and an inappropriate joke Dean?" Andrès asked. "Don't you think you should first know the difference between an actual joke and a cheesy pickup line?"

"Hey, hey, hey, I'm starting to get really tired of you," Dean said pointing his finger at Andrès. "You're still in middle school, you're still learning how to find x and y in an algebraic equation. You don't even know how to get a girl."
"Neither do you," Andrès smirked.

Hearing this Theodore immediately started laughing while thumping Andrès on his back. "Man that was good! The little dude sure knows how to hit the head on the nail."
"Shut up Theodore," Dean said irritatedly. "You're encouraging him in this nonsense. Besides I tell awesome jokes. You guys just don't think they're funny."
"Of course they're not funny. No one's laughing."

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