The Girl With Two Faces.

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"Alright class. For your last English Literature assignment for the month of October you will be required to write a book report."

Professor Khan's announcement was met with a chorus of groans and protests from the students all around me.

"Oh don't be like that, the assignment is fairly simple," Professor Khan continued. "A horror novel will be chosen and you all will read it and write a detailed book report on it. As well as a biography on the author. And on Thursday the 31st of October each one of you will come up and read your report and biography to the rest of the class. Any questions?"

Collette immediately raised her hand. "Is there a word limit for the book report? Or an estimation at least?"
"For the book report it's 2000- 2050 words and for the biography it's 1500 words," Professor Khan replied. "Your book report must contain the following: the title of the book, the author, the genre, the subject, plot and theme of the book as well as the time and historical context of when the book was writen. Are there any more questions?"

I raised my hand next. "How much of our grade will this assignment count for?"
"All homework assignments count for fifteen percent of your semester grade. Coursework such as research papers, class projects and book reports count for thirty five percent and midterms and final exams each count for twenty five percent."
"Can we use an anthology book as our subject matter?"
"Of course you can, as long as it's horror themed. You can even use a poem or a short story."

Just then the bell rang, signalling the end of English Lit.

"Remember, the book report and biography are due on Thursday," Professor Khan said as he started packing up. "Pick a novel of your choice and base your report on it, utilizing the correct literary devices. You will be graded on how well you present both the report and the biography so do your research and if it helps you may work in a group."

"Great, another assignment. The perfect way to start the week," Evelyn sighed as we picked up our bags and left the classroom. "My brain still hurts from doing all that research for my Biochemistry paper and now we need to do more research. I hate my life!"

"You're so dramatic Evelyn," I laughed. "I've been patiently waiting for the chance to do a book report. Mostly because I love conducting research, digging into archives and old books at the library. And since we have to pick a horror themed novel due to it being Halloween I have the perfect book book and author to use."
"I don't really like horrors, they scare me. The last horror I ever watched was IT. And after that I went to bed with my window down, carried a metal baseball bat with me to bed and slept with my stuffed Winnie the Pooh bear for two weeks!"

"She's such a coward," Collete snickered. "Anyway I'm gonna write my report and biography on The Shining by Stephen King. He's always been my favorite horror author. Who are you writing about Jasmine? I know you have somewhat of an advantage because of how many authors you know of."

I smiled. She was right. I did know quite a lot. "I'm writing mine on Edgar Allan Poe. And the book I'm using is The Raven."
"Oh God. I don't see how you could like Edgar Allan Poe," Evelyn grimaced. "His stories are so...dark and full of macabre."
"I know. I absolutely love his work. They don't call him Master of the Macabre for nothing."

Just as we walked through the doors and stepped onto the concrete I saw Valentino's Tesla waiting in the parking lot. Feeling my heart thumping hard in my chest I inhaled deeply and tightened my grip on my bag strap. "Girls my ride's here so I'm gonna go now. Let's meet up in the library tomorrow so we can work on the assignment okay?"

"Okay sure. Man I don't see how Professor Khan could give us a 2000 word book report and a 1500 word biography to write in four days," Evelyn groaned. "Not only that we have fall midterms to study for in November. Arghh! L'université est une salope !"
(College is a bitch!)

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