Love And Family.

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Author's Note: Before we get into the next chapter, I just have one very important thing to say. The song above-Maraschino Love is not to be played in the beginning of the chapter. Instead, readers will play the song when they see this mark:

🎵ℙ𝕝𝕒𝕪 𝕊𝕠𝕟𝕘🎵

This will give the book a movie like atmosphere. You know in those romantic movies when a couple is strolling through a garden, under the night sky, surrounded by fireflies and suddenly this song begins playing? Well that's the same thing here. And now without further adieu, please enjoy the chapter. 🤗🤗🤗


"You're absolutely sure that's where the files are?" I asked, while keeping my gun trained on him.
"Y..yes. That's where I keep them. They're in the bottom drawer of the desk amongst the stock certificates," he croaked. "Since I'm just an associate, no one would expect me to have the files since they're too important to be left unguarded."

"Go ahead and look for the files Jasmine," Valentino instructed. "I'll stay here with him."
"Okay babe," I said as I put down my gun and walked past Alejandro's chair where he sat, bruised and bloody, courtesy of my dear beloved husband.

Stepping into the home office, I opened the bottom drawer of the desk, and sure enough, there were the files with the words José Alforo written in bold letters. I reached my hand in and took them out. Not trusting Alejandro to honestly tell the truth, I leafed through them one by one, reading the entries in each file. Satisfied that these were indeed the correct files, I went back to the bedroom and showed them to Valentino.

"Alright. We got what we came for. Now it's time to wrap this party up and go home," he yawned as he took out his 1911 .45 ACP Stainless Steel Emissary handgun- one of the many wedding gifts he received. "Thank you for your cooperation Alejandro, but I'm afraid it's the end of the line for you. Now if you'll excuse us, my wife and I must be leaving."

"Oh but I've so enjoyed our time together," I said smilingly. "A whole hour and a half of continuous torture and all we have to show for it is a couple of lousy files. Shame, really."
"Yes it is a shame," he agreed. "But you know what's an even bigger shame? It's the fact that a pretty girl like you has this pathetic lowlife for a husband."

"Name-calling isn't very nice mi amigo, didn't your mother ever tell you that? You really ought learn to be more respectful."
(My friend)
"You can't deny it sweetheart. You may think he's the best thing to ever happen to you now, but mark my words, soon enough you'll regret ever walking down that aisle."

Suddenly I lost my smile, my body went rigid and my breathing grew heavy. Valentino noticed this and stepped back, sticking his gun in his pocket and leaning against the wall, a knowing smirk on his face. Walking towards him, I kicked the leg of his chair and the whole thing fell backwards with a loud crash.

Alejandro let out a pained groan, the force of the fall damaging his already weak, partially broken body. Stepping over him I grabbed my knife and pressed it firmly against his throat, watching the terror flood into his eyes.

"Let me make something very clear to you, you fucking jackass. Nothing can ever make me regret walking down the aisle to marry Valentino. As I've told you before, I love him, and he loves me. I don't care what anybody says about us, I don't care what anybody thinks about us, and I most definitely don't care for your threats or petty comments. And now, die, hijo de puta."
(Son of a bitch)

With that I slit his throat, watching as the blood began to run down his neck and seep into the carpet. Within seconds, he was dead. Rising to my feet, I wiped my knife and stuck it in the holster on my thigh along with my other knives. Valentino walked up behind me and placed his hands on my shoulders, gently massaging them. "Let's go home, I know you're exhausted. Nothing a nice hot bath, food and a good night's sleep can't fix."

𝐇𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐢𝐧𝐟𝐮𝐥 𝐎𝐛𝐬𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧.Where stories live. Discover now