All Is Fair In Love And War.

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Fifteen minutes after dinner concluded everyone in the dining hall moved to the ballroom for music and dancing. As soon as all the guests had gathered the band began to play and everyone started dancing. They played classics from the 1900s and a few modern ones. I made sure they played some of Dad's favorites too. Songs from Frank Sinatra, Bing Crosby, Jimmy Dorsey, Louis Armstrong and other famous singers and musicians. Valentino even hired Laura Pausini as the lead singer.

"Man I'm stuffed," Theodore said as he sank down on the couch. "I don't know about you guys but I don't think I can eat another bite."
"Good to know," Felix remarked. "You really ought to watch your calorie intake Theo, you have a six pack now but if you continue eating like this you won't have a six pack anymore."
"Hey I exercise three times a week for two hours a day."

"No wonder you have such impressive looking biceps," Riley said with a wink.
"Oh please, his biceps aren't all that," Dean snorted. "Have you seen my biceps? I lift fifty pound weights, I do at least twenty sit-ups, pull-ups and push-ups everyday and I work that treadmill like how I fuck a woman."

"Assuming you can find one," Andrès smirked.
"Hahaha! That's my boy!" Theodore laughed and tapped Andrès on his shoulder, causing Dean to roll his eyes exasperatedly.

"Did you enjoy your day my son?" Nonna asked Dad.
"Yes I did Mother," Dad replied. "But the highlight of my day was when you came and surprised me. So thank you."
"Yes well, a mother can do anything for her children."

Hearing her words Valentino and I exchanged a look. After that incident with Chantelle we were both a little on edge. Especially after what she said about me.

"Things are going great now, but what'll happen later down the road? Jasmine is a headstrong girl with a mind of her own, she's not the type to be tamed or subdued. She's going to rebel sooner or later. When she becomes more and more involved in this life she'll start to change and the sweet, kind, loving and compassionate girl you see before you will no longer be there."

Just what did she mean by that? All through dinner I silently pondered on her words, trying to find meaning and clarity. And I knew Valentino felt equally disturbed by it. Not wanting to spoil the festivities by bringing up Chantelle's sudden appearance we decided to keep the whole thing to ourselves.

"Jasmine I really enjoyed your Colombian fried rice," Marcello commented. "And the cake was marvelous."
"Thank you Marcello but I can't take all the credit," I smiled. "After all, Nonna is the one who taught me how to make it."

"Don't sell yourself short my dear," Nonna said. "I tried to teach all the women in my family this recipe and none of them got it right. Only after years they could make it just a little similar to mine. But you got it right on the first try."
"She's not selling herself short Karmen, Jasmine just doesn't like to be the center of attention," Mom told her. "She's been that way since her childhood. Despite all her impressive accomplishments she doesn't like to be a show off."

"Oh of course not," Nadia said sweetly as she walked up to us with Alec in her arms. "Jasmine is so modest and righteous, she wouldn't think of upstaging anyone in the family. Such humility."
"Nobody asked for your input Nadia," Sabrina said sharply.
"Why not? Is it because I'm the only one who sees through her artificial persona? She always acts so pristine and proper when she's around other people but have you ever wondered what she's like when she's alone?"

"Nadia that's enough," Valentino said sternly as he rose off his seat. "I will not tolerate you speaking this way about my wife, especially not while I'm sitting right here. If you have nothing good to say then shut up."

𝐇𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐢𝐧𝐟𝐮𝐥 𝐎𝐛𝐬𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧.Where stories live. Discover now