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I stayed in my room for hours. I didn't wanna talk to or see anyone. Not after my most shameful secrets have just been divulged. I poisoned my teacher who gave me detention and I made a girl who took my spot as dance captain overdose on her pain medication. What'll happen if one of my college professors gives me a bad grade? Will I put strychnine in their coffee?

I did a horrible thing. And what makes it worse is that if no one saw Mrs Miller gasping on the floor or Kia foaming at the mouth in the girls' locker room I wouldn't have felt guilty if they died. I didn't like either of them and I had good reason to.

Mrs Miller not only gave me detention for the most incomprehensible reasons she would embarrass me in front of the class. And Kia always felt like she was better than me just because she had a snatched waist that boys would always drool over everytime they saw her. And because I had braces for the first two years of high school she used to tease me and call me names like 'Train Track Barbie' because of my blonde hair.

After all they've done should I feel remorse? Should I feel remorse to see Kia convulsing on the floor with foam around her mouth? Or what about Mrs Miller gasping for breath and fumbling for her EpiPen? Should I feel remorse for that? I guess I'll never know.

Hearing a light knock at my door I removed my pillow from my face and sat up. Wh..who it?"
"Jas it's me, Evelyn. Can I come in?"

Wiping off the dried up mascara from my face I ran my fingers through my disheveled hair before getting up to open the door for Evelyn who came armed with a box of chocolate and that charming smile of hers. "You've been in here for hours. I thought you'd like some company."

I gave a small smile and allowed her in. "Are you sure you want to be alone with me? After what happened earlier I wouldn't want to be within five feet of me either."

Evelyn set the box down on the bedside table and took a seat on the edge of the bed, pulling me down with her. "Listen Jas, I know you think you're a horrible person but you're not. Sure what you did to your teacher and that girl was pretty fucked up but what isn't in this world? There are rapists, human traffickers, terrorists, child molesters and the list goes on. Not to mention people who pour their milk before their cereal."

I didn't want to laugh but I had to. Out of all the despicable crimes committed by people on a daily basis pouring milk before cereal makes the list. Pleased with herself for bringing me out of my despondent mood Evelyn opened the box of chocolatey goodness and offered it to me.

"So what's everyone else doing?" I asked, popping a milk chocolate in my mouth.
"Valentino is in the basement with Allan. And everyone else is downstairs," she said.
"And my mother? Where is she?"
"She's there with Emilia. She's still upset because of what happened. I think she blames herself for not noticing what was going on with you. Especially the part where you said you didn't eat more than one meal a day while you were practicing for the dance team."

"I probably shouldn't have said that. She must be so worried."
"I mean she's your Mom. I'd be concerned if she didn't worry."
"You should've seen her when I fell off the swing in sixth grade. She went full on mother hen on the teacher who was supposed to be supervising us. Even though I only had a scraped knee."

Evelyn laughed and ate one of the chocolates. They tasted wonderful and I could feel my sadness vanishing with each bite. We then started talking about school, our favourite hobbies and any topic in general, her more than me. I think I've done enough sharing for one day.

"Because of my family's occupation and my father's reputation as a powerful crime boss, Collette and I were always surrounded by bodyguards. Everywhere we went we've had people following us. The zoo, the park, the mall, even slumber parties. Thankfully it stopped as we got older and learned how to defend ourselves. Then in the fall of 2013 we joined Sacred Heart High School; a private Catholic boarding school. Which I hated every minute of."

𝐇𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐢𝐧𝐟𝐮𝐥 𝐎𝐛𝐬𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧.Where stories live. Discover now