Nice To See You Again.

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It's been two days since Chantelle came to the mansion; two days since I last saw her. Valentino strictly forbade me or anyone from contacting or interacting with her. It was probably for the best. Now it was Friday afternoon and I was sitting through my last class for the day: Economics with Professor Greene.

"In Chemistry, equilibrium is the state of a chemical reaction when the concentrations of the reactants and its products remain unchanged over time. In physics it is the condition of a system when neither its state of motion nor its internal energy state tends to change over time. But in Economics, equilibrium is the place where demand and supply intersect," Professor Greene explained.

I turned another page in my notebook and finished writing the last sentence, retaining the knowledge as I wrote. I took Chemistry in high school so I was familiar with equilibrium, but it was still a hazy topic. It was terms like these which often appeared in our exams so I'd be sure to spend time reading up on it so it wouldn't escape my memory. Right at that moment the bell rang, signalling the end of the school day.

"Alright class that's it for today. Next week we'll be learning how to calculate equilibrium as well as the difference between equilibrium price and equilibrium quantity. Be safe and have a productive weekend," Professor Greene dismissed the class and everyone started packing up to leave.

"Thank God the weekend is here. Now I can spend the next three days resting my brain from million hour long lectures and lengthy essays," Collette sighed.
I smiled and slung my bag over my shoulder. "It's like they say Coll, 'short-time suffering for longtime benefit'. Trust me, it'll all be worth it when we graduate in a few years."
"I'm the daughter of a french crime boss, what am I gonna do with an Economics degree?"

She had a point. We were in the Mafia, we had our whole future planned for us. The only reason I was still going to college even after my marriage to Valentino was because I wanted to finish what I had started. I came to New York to attend college and get a degree in interior design. I may not be able to use my degree to get a normal job but at the very least I can feel like I accomplished something that I've worked so hard for.

"So Jas what are you doing this weekend?" Evelyn asked as the three of us left the classroom and started walking down the hall, doing our best to avoid bumping into anyone.

"Now that you mention it, Sunday is Dad's birthday," I tell her as I push the doors open and step outside. "We're having a small get-together for him at home. I would love it if you girls could come. You can also bring your parents if they aren't busy."
"Are you sure? We wouldn't want to impose," Collette hesitated.
"It's no imposition at all, you girls are my besties. Besides I think it could greatly benefit the two families the more time we spend together. As allies and as friends."

"She's right. I say we go," Evelyn said eagerly. "It could be fun."
"You're just saying that because you want to see Dean again," Collette smirked. "Aww, does my baby sis have a wittle cwush?"
"Shut your dumb ass up!"

Collette rolled her eyes and pulled me into a hug. "We'll be sure to tell our parents about Sunday. I'm sure Father will have no objection. I'll call sometime today and let you know."
"Sounds good," I say as I give Evelyn a hug as well. Fishing my keys out of my pocket I unlocked the car and dropped my school bag in the backseat.

"Bye girls, talk to you later," I smiled and waved through the open window and they waved back, two pairs of grins plastered on their cute faces. Reversing out of the parking lot I drove to the supermarket to pick up a few things for Sunday evening. I needed to go today since tomorrow was Saturday and everybody will be far too busy with preparations for Sunday's festivities.

𝐇𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐢𝐧𝐟𝐮𝐥 𝐎𝐛𝐬𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧.Where stories live. Discover now