You Are My One And Only, Baby.

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I laid on my back, very much awake with the warm morning sun streaming down on my face, one arm above my head and the other holding onto my wife— my totally irresistible, ravishingly beautiful, unbelievably sexy wife. Right now her head was lying on my chest, her arms were wrapped around my waist and her leg was thrown carelessly across my thigh.

After the countless nights Jasmine and I indulged in late night sex, we would fall asleep and wake up in each other's arms. On some mornings she'd be lying on top of me, other times we'd wake up with intertwined limbs, tangled in the sheets. I didn't mind, I loved falling asleep and waking up with my angel. She was my baby, my darling, my love, and the reason I woke up every morning.

Speaking of which, I should probably get out of bed now.

Glancing briefly at my phone, I saw that it was well after eight thirty. The rest of the family should be awake by now, getting ready to have breakfast so they could get on with their day. With much care, I removed Jasmine's arms from my waist, pushed the covers back and sat up, rubbing my eyes and yawning.

But just as I was about to get out of bed, I felt two slender arms grab me from behind and pull me back down on the mattress. I turned my head to the side to gaze into my wife's eyes. Despite the slight haziness, her gorgeous baby blues were full of mirth. "You always scold me for sneaking out of bed so early in the morning, and here you are, doing the exact same thing."

I chuckled and pressed a tender kiss to her forehead. "Good morning to you too, la mia bella principessa."
(My beautiful princess)
She smiled and stretched her arms above her head while arching her back and yawning. "What time is it?"
"It's time to get up and get ready for the day."
"Mm-mm. I don't want to leave my bed. Sunday mornings are reserved for sleeping in."
"Sweetheart, I have work to do and you have a study session at the library. Come on, get up."

She shook her head and covered her face with the pillow. Not having any of that, I pulled it off. She tried to bury herself under the sheets, but I grabbed her wrists and twisted her arms behind her back, pinning her body down on the mattress. She struggled to free herself, but I held on tight, applying just the smallest amount of pressure to keep her in place, much to her annoyance.

"Are you going to be a good girl and get out of bed?" I asked.
"No," was her single syllable reply.
I sighed and applied more pressure, causing her to let out a groan. "How about now?"
"No. I don't want to get out of bed. Leave me alone, let me sleep."
"Jasmine, my love I don't want to hurt you, but you're making it very difficult for me. Just..just get out of bed, change and let's go down for breakfast. You can't stay in bed all day."

"When I lived in Colombia and I had my period, I'd stay in bed from morning till noon. On the weekends, I'd lounge about in my pajamas and eat breakfast while sitting in front of the TV," she said, turning her head to look at me.
"What's your point?" I asked.
"The point is it's Sunday morning and I want to sleep in! Go ahead and have your breakfast and I'll come down when I'm ready!"

"Jasmine you're keeping us back. So far, I've been nothing but patient with you. But enough of this. Get out of bed or so help me I will drag you out by your feet," I threatened.
"Alright already," she grumbled. "Let me go so I can change."

I smiled and released her arms then leaned over her to kiss the spot under her ear. "I'll make it up to you later okay? I know how much you like your sleep. Especially since I kept you up half the night with my lovemaking."

"Lovemaking please. You don't make love Val, you fuck," she stated. "But to be perfectly honest, I love it when you fuck me. I love when you slap me in my face, when you choke me, spank me, shove your cock deep in my pussy and spill your seed inside me. I also love when morning cuddles turn into filthy morning sex."
"Is that so?" I murmured. "Well in that case-" I paused to flip her over on her back. "we're gonna be here for a while."

𝐇𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐢𝐧𝐟𝐮𝐥 𝐎𝐛𝐬𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧.Where stories live. Discover now