She's More Than Just A Pretty Face.

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"And then she said, 'Now be a buen chico and behave yourself. Okay my little munchkin?' before walking off," Damen finished narrating the story to Dean and the others, causing all of them to start laughing hysterically.

I groaned and began massaging my temples, immensely annoyed with Damen for dragging the matter on and on while I sat there, the unwilling subject of today's joke. At least Theodore wasn't here or I'd probably be cursing wind by now. The bastard was worse than Dean when it came to making fun of people. And the fact that he was planning on teaching his bad habits to Andrès was certainly a cause for concern.

The ancient art of telling jokes and throwing comebacks my ass.

"So where is my niece in-law? I haven't seen her since breakfast," Uncle Enzo said when the laughter died down.
"She's in the kitchen with Rebecca making lunch," I replied. "She's been wanting to cook something special for Marcello and Emilia since they arrived. Santino is here too so she's going to be busy."

"She surprised me with her cooking this morning," Marcello said. "I know most girls her age already know how to cook but I was blown away by how delicious her food was. And the texture of the Arepas was just—wow."

"She's not only an amazing cook she's also very knowledgeable," Emilia added. "Earlier Sabrina got a bit of heartburn and Jasmine gave her baking soda water to drink. It instantly stopped the heartburn. But the fact that she knew exactly what was wrong from just looking at her is what I was most impressed by."

"She knows as many sicknesses, medical terminologies and conditions as any nurse, doctor or physician I've ever met," Father remarked. "She should be studying to be a doctor."
"Hell no!" Dean exclaimed. "She's terrifying enough when she's wielding a gun or a knife. Do you want her to have access to a scalpel too? No thanks."

I rolled my eyes and took a drag on my cocaine roll. "You're being overly dramatic Dean. Jasmine would never hurt any one of you and you know it. She loves this family. Sure she can be a little-"

"Crazy?" Annalise offered.

"Yes that's true," I nodded. "But she's also very-"

"Twisted in the head?" Sabrina suggested.

"Now hold on just a minute. I admit she can be a bit over eccentric at times but that's only because she's-"

"Missing a few screws and has a tendency to emotionally blackmail people into doing what she wants?" Damen smirked.

"Oh for fucks's sake. There's no point in trying to explain anything to you idiots."

"Mommy! Daddy!" Rachel ran into the living room and skidded to a halt in front of Dario and Annalise. "I have something to show you. I can skip now!"
"What? Oh sweetie that's great," Annalise said happily.
"Yeah! Can I show you, Daddy and everybody else?"
"Sure baby. Go right ahead."

Rachel went to stand in the middle of the room with her skipping rope and when she had all of our attention she began to skip. She went on like this for more than five minutes without stopping, much to our amazement. When she finally stopped, everyone clapped and she took a small bow.

"Molto bene amore mio," Annalise rose off her seat and pulled her daughter into a hug. "You were amazing honey."
(Very good my love)
"Grazie mamma," Rachel giggled.
(Thank you Mommy)

"Well done sweetheart," Dario commended. "I'm so proud of you."
"Thank you Daddy. At first it was hard for me to do and I was almost ready to call it quits. But I didn't. I'm trying something new so it'll take some time to get it right. After all nobody is born a genius and nobody is perfect. A person doesn't pick up a brush and starts painting a masterpiece just like that."

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