There's More To One That Meets The Eye.

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"Remember when you're fighting, it's important to protect your vital points. If you're lying on your back and someone is on top of you, hold your forearms in front of you to protect your arms and chest," Damen held his forearms in front of his face to demonstrate. "If you find yourself in a compromising position where you can't break free, you can use your legs to kick your assailant in the ankle or the groin. And if he's holding your arms behind your back, you can use the back of your head to butt him in his nose. This will force him to release you."

"Valentino says it's a good idea not to struggle when someone is holding you against your will. That will only make them tighten their grip and damage you further," I said. "That's why it's better to keep calm and not panic, otherwise you'll be doing more harm than good."
"That's correct. Come here and I'll show you a couple techniques you can utilize if someone grabs one or both of your wrists and you can't get away. Hold onto my wrists," he instructed.

I did as he said and held onto his wrists. He turned his hands around, brought them towards him, and with a fluid motion, broke free of my grip. "This is an easy way to break free when someone is holding your wrists. Turn your hands around and bring them towards you with enough force to loosen their grip."

I nodded to show my understanding and when it was my turn, I did it perfectly. We practiced three times more before we moved on to the next one. "With this technique, it's basically the same thing. The only difference is, you push your hands downward, invert your wrists and bring them toward you. But you need to do it quickly and with a bit of strength. And if your opponent's grip is too strong, you can use your feet to land a kick to their chest."

Once again, I grabbed Damen's wrists so he could show me exactly how to perform the action. And like the first time, I executed the technique flawlessly. We did it a few more times before getting started on the last one.

"With this technique, you can push your hands up and out. This allows your attacker's grip to loosen. Additionally, you can kick them in their groin and send them crumpling to the floor," he explained. "These techniques are a form of Taekwondo: a Korean martial arts which literally translates to 'kicking and punching'. Father has a Japanese friend named Seiko who's mastered every form of fighting style there is from kickboxing to Jiu-Jitsu. With
Jiu-Jitsu, you learn throwing, joint locks, striking and weapons training. From as early as eight years old, Valentino and I have been training with Seiko san."

"No wonder he's so adept at restraining me and pinning me down," I muttered. "Damen you've got to teach me some of those moves. I'm sick of always being under him."
"But Jas I thought you love it when Valentino's on top of you," Damen said with a smirk. "Cause you sure as hell wouldn't be making those lustful sounds all hours of the night if you didn't."
"Really Damen? First Dad and now you? Oh God are we that bad?"
"Can't say I blame you. There were times in the past when Sabrina and I liked to indulge in late night sex too."

I smiled and sat cross-legged on the floor and Damen followed suit. "Daytime sex is nice and all, but there's something about doing it at night that makes it so much more... romantic."
"I know what you mean. For my and Sabrina's second wedding anniversary I took her to a nice restaurant for dinner, we went for a long drive and when we got back we spent the rest of the evening making love; wild, passionate love."

"Valentino makes love to me occasionally. For the most part our sex life is..." I trailed off, not exactly keen on discussing the kinky fuckery that goes on when Valentino and I are together. The pain mixed with pleasure, the punishments, the sexual degradation and the Dom-Sub relationship we shared was exclusively limited to just the two of us.

As if sensing my hesitance, Damen touched my shoulder and said in a comforting voice, "As long as you guys are happy, you and Tino can do whatever the hell you want. Whether it be over or under the sheets. You make him happy Jasmine. For as long as I've known my brother, he's never been this blissful, this content, this peaceful until you came along. You complete him in every aspect."

𝐇𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐢𝐧𝐟𝐮𝐥 𝐎𝐛𝐬𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧.Where stories live. Discover now