Forbidden Pleasures.

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Aries Nightclub.

Multicolored neon lights, pounding music from the two pairs of Magico Ultimate III loudspeakers, a fully stocked bar, secluded, private lounges for VIPs and a disco ball that was reserved for 70s Saturday—a periodic Saturday night where the DJ played songs from the seventies only while the disco ball spun overhead.

Theodore and Evelyn gave their keys to two valets and the six of us starting walking towards the club. There was a long line of people waiting to be let in but we didn't have to wait in line. Our faces were all they needed to see.

"Good evening gentlemen. How's business?" Theodore greeted.
"Mr Arellano, long time no see," one of the bouncers nodded his head in acknowledgment. "Business is going exceptionally well."
"That's what I like to hear. Now I'm out with some of my lady friends and we're here to have a good time. Platonically of course, three of them are married."

The bouncer nodded again and pulled the chain back for us to go in. Oh and did I mention that this nightclub was actually one of Theodore's? Valentino said it was a birthday gift from him for his golden birthday, which was the twenty ninth of March last year. And the name of the club was Theodore's zodiac sign: Aries. It was both sweet and poetic.

As we made our way to the black L-shaped leather sofas Annalise and Riley formed a protective barrier around Sabrina so no one would bump into her. The dance floor was full of people who were dancing in close proximity with each other and jutting elbows were flying everywhere.

"Now remember ladies, mama bear must be protected at all costs," I reminded them. "I promised papa bear we'd keep her safe and out of harm's way."
"Enough with the mama bear nonsense," Sabrina groaned.
"Why? It has a nice ring to it. Besides aren't all mothers like bears when it comes to protecting their babies?"

"Definitely," Annalise said. "When Rachel was five months old Dario left her on the couch for a split second so he could grab the remote off the dining room table. She was a very fat baby so when she leaned forward she rolled onto her side and fell off the couch."

"Oh yeah I remember that," Riley grinned. "Annalise screamed at Dario and started hitting him with the remote while Rachel cried in my arms. At the time there was plush carpeting so she wasn't hurt or anything, just frightened. Dario had to sleep on the couch for a solid month after that and Annalise made him promise to never leave the kids on their own again."

"I can't wait to see Sabrina as a mother," I said, affectionately kissing her on her temple. "I'm sure she'll be as protective of her baby as a lioness is of her cub."

"I'm stopping by the bar, does anyone want a drink?" Theodore inquired.
"Yes please Theodore,"
"Yes please Theodore,"

Riley and Evelyn said this at the exact same time, causing all of us to look at them. Riley cleared her throat and Evelyn brushed some hair out of her eyes. "Why don't you order first Riley?"

Riley nodded and straightened up in her seat. "I'll have a gin and tonic please."
"Same for me please," Annalise said. "What about you Sabrina?"
"Considering I'm with child I can't drink anything with alcohol. So I guess I'll have a Shirley Temple," she smiled.

"I'll have a dirty martini please," I requested.
"Hmm, playing dirty tonight are we Jasmine?" Theodore chuckled.
"I won't tell Val if you won't. He already says I'm a dirty girl, he doesn't need to know I'm drinking dirty too."

Theodore shook his head and turned to Evelyn. "What about you?Shall I ask the bartender to make you a Virgin Piña Colada?"
Evelyn scoffed playfully and crossed one leg over the other. "Do I look like the type of girl who would enjoy a Virgin Piña Colada?"
"We've only just met. I'm not sure of the type of girl you are."
"Fair enough. I'll have a glass of Armagnac. With two cubes of ice."
"Isn't Armagnac a bit strong for you? That has an ABV of 52-60%."
"Well what would you recommend?"

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