Skeletons In The Closet.

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The moment Evelyn and I left the dining hall I pulled her into an empty room, locked the door and started to kiss her, groping her ass and fondling her breasts as I did. When she sent me that picture last night I immediately saved it to my Photos. And when I got home I spent next ten minutes masturbating to it.

I suppose I could've gotten a stripper to fullfil my needs but I knew it wouldn't be here same as having Evelyn there with me. She was only nineteen but she could suck cock like a pro. Ever since that amazing night we spent at the hotel I haven't had sex with anyone. She was all I could think about.

Sure she was so much younger than I was but it didn't matter to me. Jasmine was eleven years younger than Valentino and he still decided to marry her. The two of them were so compatible, even with their differing personalities they were perfect for each other.

"Theodore slow down. You''ll wrinkle my dress," she panted.
"Shh it's alright. Now be a good girl and pull down your panties for me," I said softly. She did as I asked and pulled her panties down until they reached mid-thigh. Putting a hand under her dress I inserted a finger into her and started pushing it in and taking it out as slowly as possible.

She gasped and grabbed onto my jacket while I continued to fuck her with my finger. Then I added another one and started going faster while her moans got louder. By the time I had three fingers inside her she could barely stand on her own two feet so I had to press my back against the door and hold onto her waist with my other hand while continuing to finger her.

After a lengthy five minutes she came all over my fingers and I had to cover her mouth to muffle her scream. Taking my fingers out I stuck them in my mouth and closed my eyes, relishing the taste. Needing more I went down on my knees in front of her and practically devoured her pussy with my tongue.

Her cum tasted so good and I found myself licking up every drop.
Removing my mouth I licked my lips and stood up to kiss her. She wrapped her arms around my neck and I pulled her closer while my hands rested on her ass. When the kiss ended we left the room. There was a bathroom three doors down so we went to wash our hands and fix our clothes.

"You have such talented fingers," she commented. "And an even more talented tongue. I never came so hard in my life."
"I'm glad you enjoyed it," I chuckled. "Because you get to take care of me next time. Don't disappoint me babygirl."
"Name the time and place and I'll be there."


"Good evening again ladies and gentlemen. It's almost time for dinner so everyone please find a table and take your seats and the servers will be here in a few minutes."

"Oh finally. I'm positively starving," I declared as I started walking towards the table I'll be sharing with Valentino, Dad, Damen, Sabrina, Nonna, Mom, Andrès, Marcello and Emilia. Every person who came to the party with their family were given a table and those who came by themselves were seated with others.

Enzo and his kids were grouped together and so was Dario, Annalise, Ryan, Rachel, Alec and Nadia. Santino and Aria will be sharing a table with Theodore, Carson and Nicole and Evelyn will be sharing a table with her family. It was both neat and orderly. Exactly what I was going for. Making my way to the table I sat next to Valentino and pulled up my chair.

"Oh Jasmine, here you are, we were just talking about you," Nonna said.
"All good things I hope," I laughed.
"Great things. Valentino tells me you're attending college and you're studying to be an interior designer?"
"Mm-hm. I'm a sophomore at St Francis College. The primary reason I asked Dad to let me plan his birthday party was because I wanted to practice designing a room. I arranged the tables, the decorations and the colour schemes too. Do you like it?"
"I love it. It's all so beautiful. Just like you."

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