D+Anger = Danger.

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"Does anyone know the time?" I asked in a shaky voice as I made what must've been my tenth round around the living room. When awaiting news of any kind people typically paced a room while either talking to themselves or others, desperate to remain calm as they prepared for the worst.

"Jasmine could you please sit down? Playing Ring Around The Rosie in the living room won't make the time pass faster," Annalise said as she came through with a glass of water.
"Look I didn't want to do this you know," I defended myself. "I was originally planning on pacing the floor until Mom got back with Andrès but Sabrina said it was making her seasick. And we're not even at the sea!"

"Hey it's not my fault. I've never been pregnant before so how am I supposed to know all the symptoms?" Sabrina whined. "Six months ago I couldn't stand the taste of Sweet Pickle Relish. Now I eat it straight from the jar! Also I keep my fast-food intake to a minimum but recently all I've been craving is greasy, oily food. What is happening to me?!"

"Motherhood is happening to you my dear," Nonna said gently as she stroked Sabrina's hair. "It's common to go through all sorts of changes during this time. It happens to all mothers."
"As long as she doesn't dye her hair blonde and start dancing around the room with an umbrella while singing The Rain In Spain
I could care less what changes she goes through," Riley snorted.

"It's already twenty seven minutes past three. Where on earth is Mom?" I exclaimed as I reached my hands up to tug on my hair. "I swear if anything happens to my brother because of that boy I'm gonna sue that family for all they're worth!"

"Sue them? For what? That boy was stabbed by your brother," Nadia said as she walked into the room with a beer in hand. "If anything you should expect to be sued by them."
"Nadia you're not helping. Jasmine is stressed out enough as is. If you're not here to show support just go back to your room, please," Dario said frustratedly.

"Stressed out by what?" she laughed. "Rebecca is the one who should be stressed out. She has three kids, each with their own issues. Andriana is a self-centered prima donna who throws tantrums when she can't get her way, Jasmine is a self-righteous priss who poisons people when they wrong her and Andrès...well he's still young. There's plenty of time for his diagnosis."

"I'd advise you to watch what you say around me Nadia. You're walking on devastatingly thin ice right now," I said lowly. "I can't guarantee your safety if you say something to piss me off."
"Oh really?" she asked condescendingly. "Are you gonna put cyanide in my coffee? Or perhaps hydrogen chloride in my bathwater? Ooh there's always acetone. You can put a few drops in my mouthwash. It might make my gums bleed."

"Nadia that's enough!" Valentino said angrily as he rose off his seat. "I'll not have you speaking to my wife this way. Leave this instant or I won't be responsible for my actions!"
"Yeah Nadia, from the moment she came here you were always treating her with disrespect," Annalise said disapprovingly. "Even before she became Valentino's wife you've never had anything good to say to or about her."

"I don't know what you're getting so worked up about sis," Nadia scoffed. "I was just stating the facts. And the fact of that matter is Jasmine's family is unstable and out of whack. Her sister deceived us and joined our enemy, her father backstabbed us and her brother is starting to go adrift. I feel bad for Rebecca who has to put up with it all. If I were her I'd have jumped ship years ago."

Fed up of her crudeness I grabbed Riley's empty glass and threw it at her. But she ducked at the last minute, causing the glass to shatter against the wall.

"One more word out of you and you're getting a glass pitcher. And this time I won't miss!" I shouted. "With what right do you have to say such things about my mother and brother? You have no idea what they've been through, no fucking idea whatsoever! You walk around here saying and doing whatever you damn well please and I'm just supposed to stand by and watch? Bitch you must be out of your goddamn mind."

𝐇𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐢𝐧𝐟𝐮𝐥 𝐎𝐛𝐬𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧.Where stories live. Discover now